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Meet the researcher: Dr. Gillian Hanley
WHRI member Dr. Gillian Hanley is a health services and health economics researcher with OVCARE. Recently her work has involved evaluating a knowledge translation initiative which asked gynaecologists across British Columbia to consider changing their practice to include opportunistic salpingectomy to help prevent ovarian cancer. What is your role at OVCARE, and what led you to […]
Sex & Gender Considerations in Research
The Women’s Health Research Institute strives to create new knowledge that can inform and transform the health of women and their families. This is why we are thrilled that the Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) now requires all research applicants to include considerations for sex & gender into their projects where appropriate.
Dr. Ruth Grunau receives a CIHR Spring 2018 Project Grant
Dr. Ruth Grunau and her team received a CIHR Project Grant for their research project “Stress, Brain and Neurodevelopment in Children Born Preterm”.
CIHR Spring 2018 Project Grant Competition recipients
Last month CIHR announced recipients for the Spring 2018 Project Grant competition, and WHRI members Drs. Karin Humphries, Crystal Karakochuk, Ruth Grunau, and Wendy Norman and their teams were awarded for their research.
Dr. Crystal Karakochuk receives a CIHR Spring 2018 Project Grant
Dr. Crystal Karakochuk received a CIHR Spring 2018 Project Grant for her project, “Is iron supplementation harmful in populations where iron deficiency is not the cause of anemia? A 12 week randomized controlled supplementation trial in Cambodia”.
Dr. Karin Humphries receives a CIHR Spring 2018 Project Grant
While gender-based inequities affecting women’s heart health have been gaining attention (see the #TimeToSeeRed campaign from the Heart and Stroke Foundation) women may also face inequities based on their age. WHRI member Dr. Karin Humphries and her team have received a CIHR Spring 2018 Project Grant to address this healthcare gap with their project “hs cTn – Optimizing the Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction/Injury in Women (CODE-MI)”.
Meet the students!
Meet Aya, Chadni, Nicole, and Ryan, four students working on WHRI-affiliated projects over the summer.
BC Perinatal Data Registry
The Women’s Health Research Institute (WHRI) is pleased to announce the launch of a pilot project in partnership with Perinatal Services BC (PSBC), allowing WHRI members to access data from the BC Perinatal Data Registry (BCPDR) through a dedicated in-house Data Analyst at the WHRI. It is our intention that by providing direct access through the WHRI, the data request process will be more streamlined and efficient, thereby increasing the number of researchers who are able to gain access to BCPDR data.
MSFHR Reach Award recipients announced
Congratulations to WHRI members Drs. Angela Kaida, Lori Brotto, Allison Carter, Jessica McAlpine, Paul Yong, and Caroline Sanders and trainee Natasha Orr, whose projects have been selected for funding by the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) Reach Awards!