We are excited to announce a new data linkage available with the BC Perinatal Data Registry (BCPDR). As of June, we can now link BCPDR data to neighborhood-level socioeconomic status (SES) data and deprivation indexes. Previously, researchers could not access SES information without a lengthy application process. Through the WHRI, researchers can now access publicly available relevant data, including deprivation indexes like residential instability or ethno-cultural composition. This publicly available data will be linked to the BCPDR, and researchers will receive a de-identified, linked dataset.
A great example of how this data could be used was published by WHRI member Dr. Sarka Lisonkova. Dr. Lisonkova investigated the association between rural residence and severe maternal morbidity; finding that those in rural areas had higher rates of severe maternal morbidity and severe neonatal morbidity, and a lower rate of NICU admission.
If you’re interested in requesting publicly available data, either as a new data access request or as an amendment to an existing research project, visit our BCPDR page for information and contact Emma Branch at emma.branch@cw.bc.ca.