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WHRI’s 11th Anniversary Address
Happy 11th anniversary to the Women’s Health Research Institute! Having recently passed my first year mark as the institute’s Executive Director, it is an excellent opportunity to review our achievements over the past year. The Mission of the WHRI, “Creating new knowledge and evidence-based solutions that inform and transform the health and health care of […]
Budget 2018 is just around the corner. Will there be any new money dedicated to fundamental research? Why and how you can make a difference? By Liisa Galea, WHRI Scientist The Canada Budget 2018 is just around the corner. Why should scientists and researchers care? Because the Fundamental Science Review commissioned by the Honourable Kristy […]
This October 1st to 7th marked Canada’s first HPV Prevention Week, an initiative led by the Federation of Medical Women of Canada (FMW). The theme for this year was #CANADAvsHPV, with the intention for Canadian health officials and government to help prevent the spread of HPV through education. In honour of HPV Prevention Week, the Women’s Health […]
Metro Vancouver Study finds an association between South Asian Ethnicity and Risk of Vitamin B12 Deficiency during Pregnancy
Vitamin B12 (B12) sufficiency during pregnancy is essential for optimal maternal health and fetal and infant growth and development. Maternal B12 deficiency has been associated with poor pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth, low birth weight, intra-uterine growth restriction and neural tube defects, as well as poor cardiometabolic health and impaired cognitive development in the […]
2017 Women’s Health Research Institute Catalyst Grant Recipients
This year marks the inauguration of the Women’s Health Research Institute Catalyst Grants. The grant competition was open to pilot studies in Women’s Health, which aimed to generate preliminary data; test new approaches, methodologies or tools; bring new teams together; and/or support new research in women’s health from established researchers. A special thanks to the […]
Aging Well for Women
The Women’s Health Research Institute (WHRI) held a public event on health throughout perimenopause and menopause on September 28th at the Italian Cultural Centre. The event, Aging Well for Women, was hosted by Shirley Weir (founder of, and welcomed a wonderful turnout of women eager to join the dialogue. The first speaker of the evening […]
How to Tackle Tweeting? Ask the Expert!
Communications Assistant, Rebecca Tingling, had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Dorothy Shaw, Vice President Medical Affairs at BC Women’s Hospital. Many of our WHRI Members have expressed interest in creating a Twitter account after reading our feature article on Twitter expert, Dr. Kendall Ho, but are hesitant given Twitter’s public nature and their professional affiliations. […]
New Funding Opportunity to Protect and Nurture Early Child Development!
Saving Brains has just announced a $250,000 funding opportunity that aims to address the risk factors children living in adversity face by providing innovative solutions to promote health and nutrition, and protect against maltreatment. This funding opportunity is open to applicants in low and middle income countries, as well as Canada, with the ultimate goal […]
Dr. Saraswathi Vedam Creates New Tool to Rate the Quality of Research in Place of Birth Outcomes!
Place of birth is known to affect health outcomes, specifically when comparing women who give birth at home with women who give birth in a hospital or centre. While there are many studies that examine this difference, different conclusions are often drawn regarding the safety of home, birth centre, or hospital. To address this inconsistency, […]