Primary Contract: Evelyn Maan, Research Manager, 604-875-2000 ext. 2463, emaan@cw.bc.ca
About the Study: Anti-HIV medication has reduced the risk of HIV transmission from mother to child from 25% to less than 1%. However, the effects of some of these anti-HIV medications on the developing fetus have not yet been thoroughly studied. One medication in particular, called “Tenofovir”, can cause some bone and kidney problems for HIV+ adults when taken for a long time, especially with existing bone and kidney diseases. The purpose of CARMA 7 is to investigate how fetal exposure to Tenofovir may affect the bone and kidney health of infants who are born to HIV+ women.
Why is this research important? The use of Tenofovir is becoming far more common in anti-HIV medication regimens because it is so well tolerated. As a result, an increasing number of women are getting pregnant while taking this particular medication (almost 25% of HIV+ pregnancies in BC in 2011). Accordingly, it is very important for the current and future health of infants born to HIV+ women to study the effects of this anti-HIV medication.
Study Status: Recruiting
Who can participate: Infants who do not have HIV, born at term (>35 weeks +2 days) to an HIV+ mother who took anti-HIV medication during her pregnancy, specifically Tenofovir, Abacavir, or Zidovudine (the last two for the control group). Infants have visits for the CARMA-7 study at 1 month, 6 months, and 18 months of age.
Co-Investigators: Dr. Helene Cote, Dr. Deborah Money, Dr. Laura Sauve, Dr. Jason Brophy
Funded by: CIHR, Canadian HIV Trials Network