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Post Type Archives: Staff

Fernandez, Ariadna
Ariadna has worked with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of British Columbia as the Research Program Manager since 2008. In this role, she has been responsible for promoting research and fostering academic scholarship within the Department. She works with residents, clinicians, researchers and graduate level trainees to support their research and […]

Tulloch, Karen

MacCallum, Caroline
Dr. MacCallum graduated from the University of British Columbia Internal Medicine Residency Program in 2013. Upon graduation, Dr. MacCallum, practiced Pain & Addiction Medicine at Vancouver General Hospital and Heartwood Addiction Program at BC Women’s Hospital. In addition she also practiced complex pain medicine at the CHANGEpain Clinic and BC Women’s Complex Chronic Disease Program. […]

Elwood Martin, Ruth
Dr. Ruth Elwood Martin is a clinical professor at the University of British Columbia (UBC)’s School of Population and Public Health. She is also the inaugural director of UBC’s Collaborating Centre for Prison Health and Education, which was formed in 2006 to facilitate opportunities to enhance the well-being of individuals in custody and reintegration into […]

Douglas, Joanne
Dr. Joanne Douglas is a Clinical Professor Emeritus in the Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics at UBC. She joined the staff of BC Women’s in 1982 (then the Grace Hospital), having moved over from Vancouver General Hospital. In addition to her clinical duties at BCWH she conducted clinical research and much of that research […]

Gidda, Ruby
Fitzsimmons, Brian
Wiedmeyer, Mei-ling
As a primary care physician for im/migrant families, as well as a family planning provider, my academic interest lies in exploring the intersections of migrant health and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) by doing community-based, patient-oriented research with marginalized im/migrant women. My academic and clinical work is oriented towards investigating and reducing barriers to accessing […]
Myint, Tun
Dr. Tun Myint is a Global Health expert and medical epidemiologist who have 20+ years’ experience in health care industry. He has provided Global Health consultations to numerous organizations and institutions including United Nations Organizations, Non-Government Organizations, public institutions, private corporations and pharmaceutical companies in Myanmar (Burma). He has worked at the Ministry of Health […]