Supporting your qualitative research journey: resources, services, and learning opportunities
There is growing curiosity and use of qualitative research methodologies and methods in health research. Whether you’re considering going mixed methods, or fully qualitative, we can orient your efforts!
If you or your team are interested in qualitative research and in the supports offered by the WHRI, please reach out to Julia Santana Parrilla.
Depending on your project needs, resources, and stages, there are a variety of helpful resources to support your qualitative research activities. Here we suggest internal and external supports, including services, learning opportunities, and knowledge exchange events.
WHRI-based Resources
The WHRI Qualitative Specialist can provide support with proposal and grant writing, project design, interviews, focus groups, analysis, reporting and more! Services can be provided in the following capacities: consultation, mentorship, training, and as part of your team. Please email Julia Santana Parrilla.
Watch videos and learn more about how the paradigms, principles and practices of qualitative research!
Research Lunch & Learn Series Recordings
- Why Qualitative? | YouTube | Presented by Julia Santana Parrilla – April, 2023
- Demystifying Qualitative Research | Lunch & Learn Presentation | Asli Ozer and Julia Santana Parrilla – October 2024
The BCCHR Research Hub Video Library
- Qualitative Data Analysis| Slides | Presented by Dr. Marianne Vidler, Assistant Professor, Dept of Obs & Gyn and Maggie Woo Kinshella, PhD – February 2023
- Introduction to Qualitative Interviews| Slides | Presented by Shanlea Gordon, Research Manager, FIR/CRSU & Britt Udall, Research Manager, RICHER – January 2023
- Qualitative Data Analysis| Slides | Presented by Dr. Marianne Vidler, Assistant Professor, Dept
- Qualitative Research Methods 101 | Presented by Marianne Vidler, Assistant Professor, Dept of Obs & Gyn – 2018

External Resources
Whether you’re new or seasoned, these resources can support your decision-making regarding project design and research methods.
- Research, evaluation and knowledge translation education and events, Fraser Health: has recordings of introductory workshops on qualitative and patient-oriented research.
- Spark @ McMaster offers resources for researchers via a variety of knowledge outputs (blogs, podcasts, and more!)
- Sage Methods Map: can serve as a starting point for exploring approaches to research and the literature associated with it.
- International Institute for Qualitative Methodology: has a YouTube channel dedicated to advancing qualitative inquiry.
- Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research: has a YouTube Channel committed to critical and theoretically-informed qualitative inquiry.
- The Qualitative Open Mic Podcast: answers “why we do qualitative research?”, informs how to do it well, as well as how it can be applied effectively.
The following institutions offer education. Some require registration and fees, while others are open access.
- International Institute for Qualitative Methodology: Offers courses in alignment with its efforts on change-oriented qualitative research, especially through intersectional and decolonial approaches.
- Course1: Introduction to Intersectional Qualitative Research
- Course 2: Introduction to Intersectional Qualitative Health Research
- The Chang School of Continuing Education: Offers “Research Design and Qualitative Methods”, which focuses on understanding the uses of qualitative research designs and techniques.
- Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research: Offers educations through
- Canadian Evaluation Society: Offers “Qualitative Data Analysis”, a self-paced course that “covers all aspects of qualitative data analysis”.
- International Institute for Health Research: Offers “Qualitative research methodology in health services” (basics and advanced).
- Community Based Research Canada: Offers “Community-Based Research Fundamentals and Excellence course” that covers theory and practical tools for conducting community-based research.
- National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools: Offers “Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Studies”, which guides learners through different designs and how to use them, including their evaluation.
- Spark @ McMaster: Builds and delivers custom training and coaching to research teams.
Have research to share or want to learn from and connect with qualitative researchers? Check out these annual conferences:
- Annual Qualitative Analysis Conference: Organized and hosted by The Qualitatives.
- World Conference on Qualitative Research: “Brings together researchers from 40+ countries, world-renowned authors, and research groups sharing their experiences in the field”.
- International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry: “Scholars from around the world participate in the Congress to resist, to celebrate community, to experiment with traditional and new methodologies, with new technologies of representation”.
- Qualitative Research Consultants Association:
- Annual Conference: “Sharing ideas and resources, and learning in a fun environment works for everyone in our industry.”
- Worldwide Conference: “Brings together professionals dedicated to advancing qualitative research on a global scale. In this invigorating environment, attendees are inspired by the rich exchange of ideas, learning from peers, and gaining insights from experts from around the world.”
- European Congress Qualitative Inquiry: aims to support and nurture “game changer, dream team and other collective initiatives in Qualitative Inquiry”.
- The Qualitative Report Conference: Organized and hosted by Nova Southeastern University every year.
- Annual Qualitative Research Symposium: “Welcomes anyone interested in qualitative research and scholarship. It is a friendly environment for qualitative experts, novices and everyone in-between with an enthusiasm for qualitative research methods.”
Connect with Us
If you have go-to resources that you do not see in here, please reach out to have them added! Contact Julia Santana Parrilla.