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Dr. Jerilynn Prior – Recipient of the Knowledge Translation in Women’s Health Research Award
The Women’s Health Research Institute is very pleased to announce that Dr. Jerilynn Prior has been awarded our 2017 Knowledge Translation in Women’s Health Research Award. The award is an opportunity to recognize excellence in knowledge translation from a women’s or newborn health researcher in British Columbia. Given Dr. Prior’s research conducted at the Centre for Menstrual […]
Dr. Joseph Ting – Recipient of the Early Career Investigator in Women’s Health Research Award
Dr. Joseph Ting – Recipient of the Early Career Investigator in Women’s Health Research Award The Women’s Health Research Institute is very pleased to announce that Dr. Joseph Ting has been awarded our 2017 Early Career Investigator in Women’s Health Research Award. This award is to recognize excellence in an early career investigator from British Columbia […]
Dr. Deborah Money receives the Career Contribution to Women’s Health Research Award
The Women’s Health Research Institute is very pleased to announce that Dr. Deborah Money has been awarded our inaugural Career Contribution to Women’s Health Research Award. This award is given annually to a British Columbian researcher who has made an outstanding and exemplary contribution to women’s health research in the province and globally during their […]
Dr. Lori Brotto featured in CBC news article
Dr. Lori Brotto was featured in an article by CBC news for her presentation at the recent Sexual Health 2017 Conference. Dr. Brotto spoke about the key research findings in sexuality over the last year and offered doctors skills for treating and talking about sexual health issues with their patients.
Vaginal Microbiome Group Initiative
Principal Investigator: Dr. Deborah Money Primary Contact: Zahra Pakzad, Research Coordinator, 604-875-2424 ext. 6379, About the study: The VOGUE study team is comprised of a diverse group of scientists and clinicians from across Canada who are using genomic methods to study the microbial ecosystem (microbiome) of the vagina in varying states of health and disease. The VOGUE […]
Advances in Screening and Prevention in Reproductive Cancers (ASPIRE)
ASPIRE is a women’s health initiative using innovative models and technologies to improve access to reproductive health in low income settings.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Gina Ogilvie
WelTelOAKTREE: Text Messaging to Support Patients with HIV/AIDS in British Columbia
WelTelOAKTREE looks at the effectiveness of mHealth for improving anti-retroviral therapy adherence.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Melanie Murray
Prospective study of an interdisciplinary pelvic pain & endometriosis clinic (Etiology of dyspareunia in endometriosis)
The purpose of this study is to prospectively collect data from patients at the Centre for Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis clinic to investigate long-term patient outcomes, and the etiology and treatment of chronic pelvic pain.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Paul Yong
Endometriosis – Determinants of Oncogenesis (ENDO-ONC) Full Scale Study
The aim of this study is to determine whether there are unique genetic changes in endometriosis that may play a role in malignant transformation to ovarian cancer or in the symptoms of pelvic pain and infertility.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Paul Yong