We are excited to welcome Angeli as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with WHRI. For almost 15 years, Angeli has been working to strengthen health systems in low and middle income countries. She has worked in the areas of cancer care and control, HIV and maternal and child health from Sub-Saharan Africa, South and South East Asia to Latin America.
In 2015, she completed her PhD at UBC’s School of Population and Public Health with a Global Health specialization. During her doctoral research, she conducted a health system analysis to understand the impact of integrating antiretroviral therapy and related HIV services into public sector primary care clinics in Free State, South Africa. Her research was able to identify best practices and areas where the health system that may have been strengthened and/or compromised due to the provision of integrated primary health care.
Since graduation, she has been working as a researcher with UNICEF’s Knowledge Management Implementation Research (KMIR) Unit in New York. She has been documenting the lessons learned for building resilience in community based health systems in 4 countries that experienced “shocks” such as the Ebola Virus Disease (Sierra Leone, Liberia) and natural disasters (Nepal and Ethiopia). Focusing on maternal, newborn and child health service provision, this research aims to provide guidance for building resilience at community levels to handle any situation. She will be presenting the findings in a panel discussion at the Fourth Symposium on Health Systems Research on the 18th of November in Vancouver.
As a lead up to the Symposium, Angeli will also be a facilitator to help train 55 emerging global health system researchers and change makers from low and middle income countries through the Emerging Voices 4 Global Health (EV4GH) program. As an alumna of the program she found the interaction with fellow trainees supported by great mentorship to be invaluable and is excited to be contributing to the program. On Nov 12-13 ,2016 EV4GH will be partnering with the Global Health Students and Young Professional Summit (GHSYPS) from Canada for a public pre-conference event. From interactive workshops, panels, skill-building sessions and networking opportunities, any students or young professionals interested in global health are encouraged to attend. For more information and to register for this event, visit www.ghsummit.com