Hodges, Travis
Dr. Travis Hodges is a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Liisa Galea (Laboratory of Behavioural Neuroendocrinology).
Dr. Hodges is interested in the effects of stress on the developing brain and the impact that stressors in critical periods of development have on future behaviour. Travis is also interested in the transmission of mental disorders and related symptoms from parent to offspring. Specifically, Travis’s research interests include: 1. The underlying mechanisms of lasting changes in social behaviour after exposure to social stressors during the adolescent period (a period of development that is crucial for social learning). 2. The underlying mechanisms of anxiety-like and depressive-like behaviour in the offspring of mothers that underwent maternal depression or other stressors during and after pregnancy. 3. Using the discovered mechanisms to create and test novel treatments and ways to prevent maladaptive changes in the brain and behaviour after stressor exposure.
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