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Post Type Archives: Staff
Mei, Alice
Alice is an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Science at the University of British Columbia. She has been awarded the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute Summer Program Advancing Research Knowledge & Skills (SPARKS) award. Alice’s research lies in understanding changing contraceptive use (oral contraceptive pills, LNG-IUS, non-hormonal IUDs, and tubal sterilization) and its relationship […]
Chen, Nan
I hold a doctoral degree in Epidemiology and Health Statistics and have a strong research interest in women’s health. My current focus is on health economic evaluation and health econometrics.
Bland, Kelcey
Dr Kelcey Bland is a Michael Smith Health Research BC postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of British Columbia and Cancer Control Research program at the BC Cancer Research Institute under the supervision of Drs Kristin Campbell and Helen McTaggart-Cowan. She is a certified clinical exercise physiologist through the […]
LeVasseur, Nathalie
Nathalie LeVasseur is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Medical Oncology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver since October 2019. She received her medical degree in 2013 and completed her internal medicine residency at the University of Ottawa. She subsequently pursued a residency in medical oncology at the […]
Dykeman, Hannah
Kolbuszewska, Marta
Marta is a graduate student in the clinical psychology program at UBC. Her research interests centre around understanding processes contributing to sexual and relationship well-being in individuals and couples. She is particularly interested in conducting multi-method (e.g., psychophysiology, ecological momentary assessment) research to better understand factors that influence sexual health over time.
Lee, Anna
My main academic interest is in perinatal (fetal and placental) pathology. I am currently studying congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), in which a hole forms in the fetal diaphragm which can lead to altered fetal lung growth and development and post-natal complications. Fetal lung development in CDH is altered by molecular mechanisms and environmental factors that […]
Ko, Jenny
Vecchiarelli, Haley
I am a postdoctoral fellow working with Dr. Marie-Ève Tremblay at the Division of Medical Sciences, University of Victoria in Victoria, BC, Canada. Broadly my research interests are to understand how the immune system affects the central nervous system to influence behaviour. My current work looks at how chronic stress influences microglia to produce cognitive […]