Musengimana, Gentille

Musengimana, Gentille

Masters of Science in Clinical Epidemiology
, School of Population and Public Health


Gentille Musengimana holds a master’s in clinical epidemiology from the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. She has a bachelor’s degree in Medical Bioscience from the University of The Western Cape in South Africa. After graduating from university, she worked part-time for the South African Medical Research Council as a research assistant and for the University of Stellenbosch as a teaching assistant. She returned to Rwanda, where she worked for the Rwanda Biomedical Center as an HIV Epidemiologist and The American Center for Disease Prevention and Control within the US Embassy in Kigali as a public health and research program specialist. Working under the direct supervision of Dr. Gina Ogilvie, Gentille is currently enrolled as a PhD student at the University of British Columbia, School of Population and Public Health. Her research interest steams around “Improving access to Cervical Cancer Screening in Low and Middle-Income Countries, especially in rural and remote settings.

Research areas of interest:

Reproductive Cancer (Cervical Cancer)

Research Themes:

Woman's Cancer

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