Nabbali, Essya

Essya M. Nabbali (she, her, hers) holds a Master’s of Arts in Critical Disability Studies from the School of Health Policy and Management at York University. She is a health/care researcher, currently providing evaluation support to a range of health-related projects throughout British Columbia, with a focus on primary care, harm reduction, and gender-based violence. Her previous work includes investigations of the globalization of psychiatry and the politically charged nature of (global) mental/health development in post/colonial contexts. Fieldwork opportunities have taken her from Toronto to, here, in Vancouver and off to Accra (Ghana) where she attended to the implementation of Act 846 (Mental Health Act, 2012) with a research affiliation at the University of Ghana. A strategic thinker by nature, Essya is an active member of numerous women-identified organizations, including the Vancouver Women’s Health Collective and the Vancouver Status of Women.
Research areas of interest:
medical sociology, health equity, care ethics, disability studies, diasporic and change politics
Research Themes: