Gunka, Vit
I am a fellowship trained obstetric anesthesiologist providing pain control for labour and anesthesia for cesarean deliveries at BC Women’s Hospital. I am a former director of Obstetric Anesthesia Fellowship Program and Research at BC Women’s Hospital.
My education includes Medical Doctor Degree at Palacky University Olomouc in Czech Republic and Internship at Englewood Hospital, Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. After finishing my specialty training at Anesthesiology Residency Program, Ohio State University in Columbus, I completed Obstetric Anesthesia Clinical Research Fellowship Program at BC Women’s Hospital.
Research areas of interest:
Obstetric anesthesia and analgesia, monitoring and safety, ultrasound for neuraxial block, quality assurance, clinical practice guidelines.
Research Themes:
Maternal & Fetal Health