Freeman, Shannon

Dr. Freeman is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of Northern British Columbia. She is a social gerontologist and member of AGEWELL: Canada’s technology and aging network focusing on innovative solutions to support healthy aging. As a social gerontologist, Dr. Freeman incorporates a collaborative approach to engage in a broad range of research activities focusing on improving the health and well-being of vulnerable populations with specialization in the areas of aging, hospice palliative care, informal caregiving, and advanced longevity. Dr. Freeman is the founding Academic Director for the Centre for Technology Adoption for Aging in the North, an AGEWELL national Innovation Hub, also known as CTAAN – A collaborating center for innovations in technology development and implementation to support older adults in rural and northern communities. Dr. Freeman’s work is focused on closing the gap between technology development and its implementation and sustained use, especially for older adults in rural and northern areas. Dr. Freeman is also the Academic Director for UNBC’s Statistics Canada Research Data Centre and was recently awarded a Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) – AGE-WELL Network of Centres of Excellence (NCE) 2020 Scholar Award.
Research areas of interest:
Northern Issues, Rural Health Services, Age and Risk Factors, Aging Process, Community Health / Public Health, Depression, Family and Caregivers, Health Information Systems, Health Policies, Health Services, Long-Term Care Services, Hospice Palliative Care
Research Themes: