Kennedy, Angel

Angel is the Research Manager for the RESET (Researching for Eco-Social and Equitable Transformation) Team and a PhD student at Simon Fraser University. Her work intersects eco-social health and mental health equity among various equity seeking populations (with a particular focus on community engagement and knowledge exchange). Angel has actively engaged in the dynamic space of GBA+ research and practice nationally and provincially, including on a contract with Women and Gender Equality Canada to address the impacts of climate change on equity deserving populations. Working under the supervision of Dr. Maya Gislason, Angel’s PhD research involves promoting the mental health of youth by consolidating strategies for communicating about the climate crisis.
Research areas of interest:
Youth/children’s mental health equity, climate change, women’s health equity, eco-social approaches to health, community-based participatory action research, GBA+, 2S/LGBTQIA+ health equity
Research Themes: