Carter, Allison

Biography: Dr. Allison (Allie) Carter is a Senior Lecturer and Group Leader of the Sexual Health and Reproductive Equity (SHARE) Research Group at the Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney, an Associate of the Australian Human Rights Institute, and an Adjunct Professor at Simon Fraser University in Canada. Her research program aims to strengthen responses to gender, social justice, and sexual and reproductive health and rights. She has a strong interest in critical social theories and community-based research and her projects utilise a range of methods, including big data, surveys, and cohort studies, as well as qualitative and arts-based research methodologies. She is currently involved in a number of research collaborations in Australia and Canada with women living with HIV, young people with disability, migrant communities, and the broader population. Topics include HIV and STIs, HPV and cervical cancer, sexual behaviour, reproductive experiences, sexual pleasure, gender differences in sexuality, young people and sex education, gendered violence, and reproductive coercion. She has successfully led/co-led research attracting 17.7M and has authored more than 60 peer reviewed publications. She writes regularly about health, sexuality, and relationships for the general public and is available to provide expert opinion about sexual and reproductive health and rights for writers and producers of broadcast, print, and online media.
Research areas of interest:
Women affected by HIV in Canada and globally
Research Themes:
Sexual and Reproductive Health Chronic Disease