Sue Harris Grant

Award amount: $2,500 to $5,000
Application Deadline: September 1, 2023


The Sue Harris Family Practice Research Grant supports research that contributes to women’s (cis and trans-inclusive) health within the discipline of family practice. The funding is intended to support new researchers (family practice residents and/or practitioners) to develop and carry out a pilot research project.

Criteria for the grant reflect her values which include:

  • A commitment to full-spectrum family practice primary care
  • A woman-centred focus
  • Collaborative care
  • Holistic approach
  • Respect for innovation, and
  • Commitment to supporting improvements in practice


The principal investigator must be a:

  • Family medicine resident registered at and in good standing with the University of British Columbia (UBC) Family Medicine Residency Program and also in good standing with the CFPC/BCCFP.
  • Family physician licensed and residing in BC and who is in good standing with the CFPC/BCCFP

Interdisciplinary teams are encouraged as long as they are led by a Family Physician.

The principal investigator is only eligible to win a Sue Harris Grant Award one time. Principal Investigators who have previously won a Sue Harris Grant Award are strongly encouraged to submit applications to future competitions as a co-investigator in the role of mentor.

Proposed research projects must be directly related to women’s (cis and trans-inclusive) health.


The value of each Sue Harris Family Practice Research grant will be up to $2,500 for a resident project, and up to $5,000 for a family practitioner project. The number and value of awards granted each year will be determined by the funds available.

Please note: Applicants are welcome to submit more than one application at the LOI stage, but Principal Investigators will only be invited to submit one Full Application each cycle.

Application Process:

Please see the Additional Files below for the Application Information.


E-mail a copy of the application in MS Word or PDF to:
Dr. Kathryn Dewar
Senior Research Manager
Women’s Health Research Institute
Phone: 604-875-2424 ext. 4909

Please also contact Kathryn Dewar with any questions about the Grant.

Additional Files:

Application Information (2023)

Previous Winners:


Dr. Angel Tse, Dr. Emily Nguyen and Dr. Patricia Gabriel
Pregnant women’s experiences with giving birth while on hospital diversion: a qualitative study


Dr. Justyne Morrow, Dr. Victoria Elliot, Dr. Rachel Cook and Dr. Selena Lawrie
Barriers to Accessing Cervical Cancer Screening in the Thompson-Nicola Region

Dr. Caitlin Hunter and Dr. Amanda Whitten
“Do I have to come in?” Outcomes of a pivot to virtual medication abortion in Vancouver, BC in the context of COVID19 pandemic restrictions


Dr. Janelle Syring and Dr. Sarah Munro
The development of an online platform to aid with decision-making for physicians supporting their patients seeking an abortion in Canada

Dr. (Ramon) Javier Sales, Dr. Danielle Smith and Dr. Sarah Munro
Perspectives of Young Women Towards Childbearing in the Era of Climate Change


Dr. Timothy Teoh and Dr. Sarah Munro
Women’s Experiences in Outpatient Induction of Labour: A Qualitative Study

Dr. Kirsten Desjardins-Lorimer, Dr. Carolyn Bell, Dr. Nazgul Chokmorova,
and Kate Wahl 
Development of a Patient Decision Aid on Method of Early Abortion


Dr. Vanessa Brcic 
Creating safe spaces in primary care: Incorporating trauma and violence-informed care into patient-centered medical homes

Dr. Alexander Marchenko and Hannag Kay French
Neonatal Adaptation Following Exposure to Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: A systematic review and Meta-Analysis.


Dr. Mei-ling Wiedmeyer
Reproductive Health Status of refugee women: characterizing contraceptive use and pregnancy in resettled refugee women in British Columbia

Dr. Gabriela Glattstein-Young, Dr. Lee-Anna Huisman and Dr. John Pawlovich
Active Living in Takla: Indigenous women’s experience of a community-driven exercise program


Dr Edward Schaffer, Dr Shaun Van Pel, Dr Danica Whalley, Dr Joel Stimson
Can the GAD7 be used as a screening tool to predict adverse obstetrical outcomes in low risk women with anxiety?

Dr. Daniel Heffner, Dr. Ron Abrahams, and Ms. Nardia Strydom
A comparative analysis of maternal and newborn outcomes between women who receive care at St Paul’s Hospital & Fir Square among substance-using pregnant women and their newborns


Dr. Sarah Yager
Factors affecting choices of primary care obstetrics providers in Nanaimo, BC

Dr. John Pawlovich, Dr. Bria Sharkey, Dr. Erin Knight, Mr. Travis Holyk and Dr. Ron Abrahams
The impact of routine bedside ultrasound on maternal-­fetal bonding and engagement in care for Aboriginal women in remote communities


Dr. Kali Gartner
Empowering Mothers: A Participatory Action Research Study with Sheway Women in Vancouver
