Women’s Health Research Institute Trainee Travel Grant

Applications deadline:

Spring deadline is May 31, 2024 (5 grants), for travel between January 1, 2024 and June 30, 2024

Fall deadline is Nov 30, 2024 (5 grants), for travel between July 1, 2024 and Dec 31, 2024


A key part of the WHRI’s Strategic Plan 2019 – 2024 is our Strategic Framework for Trainees and Mentorship, which aims to expand capacity for women’s health research through initiatives that support the next generation of women’s health scholars. 

Thus, the WHRI has created a Trainee Travel Grant intended to support full-time research trainees for travel to national or international meetings. There are 10 grants available each year, valued at up to $1000 each. These grants will be offered twice a year (in May and November), with 5 grants offered at each timepoint. They will be disbursed as reimbursements to recipients for travel expenses incurred after attending the conference, during the designated travel period outlined below.

  1. Trainee is registered as a full-time graduate student (MSc/PhD) or post-doctoral fellow. Also note that Clinical Fellows are eligible for the postdoctoral-level award if at least 50% of their fellowship is devoted to research.
  2. Trainee is a WHRI member. There is no fee to become a member and any trainee engaged in women’s and/or newborn health research at a BC-based university is eligible for membership. More information about WHRI membership benefits and application procedures can be found here: Become a Member.
  3. Trainee’s supervisor is a WHRI member. Any researcher engaged in women’s and/or newborn health research at a BC-based university is eligible for membership. If the applicant and/or supervisor would like to inquire about the supervisor’s current WHRI membership status, please contact Kathryn Dewar (kdewar@cw.bc.ca).
  4. The research project and/or research group the trainee will be representing at the national or international meeting is focused on women’s and/or newborn health.
  5. Trainee is the first author on an abstract (poster or oral) presentation at the meeting.
Application Process:
  1. Submit your name, supervisor, and title of the abstract to whri_awards@cw.bc.ca.
  2. Spring deadline is May 31, 2024 (5 grants), for travel between January 1, 2024 and June 30, 2024.
  3. Fall deadline is Nov 30, 2024 (5 grants), for travel between July 1, 2024 and Dec 31, 2024
  4. Awardees will be chosen by draw (i.e. non-competitive)
important note:

If a trainee receives a WHRI trainee travel grant, they will not be eligible for the other travel grant competition in the same year, nor for the travel grant competitions in the following year. (i.e. A trainee can only receive a travel grant every 2nd year).

  1. Awardees will be contacted, and asked to submit receipts after the meeting which will be required for reimbursement up to $1000. Instructions on how to submit your expense claim can be found here. 
  2. All expenses will be reimbursed through the Provincial Health Services Authority and are subject to the PHSA Travel and Business Expense Policy, please note policy and eligible expenses differs from the UBC Travel Expense Policy.