RAPID: Research Agenda for Perinatal Innovation & Digital health
This project aims to bring together multiple partners including patients, researchers, government, and health care decision-makers to co-develop a research agenda for digital innovation in perinatal health.

With funding from a Michael Smith Health Research BC convening and collaborating grant, we:
(1) conducted a review of the literature to identify barriers and facilitators to use of technology in perinatal health care
(2) organized and implemented engagement activities with patients, care providers and decision makers in the health care system, to collaborate on research priorities and identify digital health needs related to perinatal care; and
(3) created a downloadable toolkit for patient engagement in co-design of research questions; and
(4) developed a research agenda organized into 3 evidence-based priority themes and twelve specific research questions.
RAPID research agenda at a glance
This agenda provides a framework of priority topics and questions co-developed by project partners, including patients. The agenda will allow us to focus our research efforts to better meet the needs of perinatal healthcare patients in BC. The agenda will be shared with key partners through presentations and social media.
Development of research agenda for perinatal digital innovation with patient & health system partners
Digital health innovations provide an opportunity to improve access to care, information, and care quality during the perinatal period for patients and their infants. However, research to develop perinatal digital health solutions needs to be informed by actual patient and health system needs to optimize implementation, adoption, and sustainability. Through human-centered design methods, we emphasize the importance of patient voices as partners in the Research Agenda for Perinatal Innovation and Digital health (RAPID) project.
What is digital health?
For more info and resources related to digital health please visit BCCHR’s Digital Health Research resource page.
What are we hoping to achieve after completion of this project?
Through this work, we hope to set the foundation for future research collaboration and innovation in perinatal care to enhance patient, infant, and family health.
Who is involved in this project?
The project brings together a consortium of partner organizations with leadership from the Women’s Health Research Institute and BC Children’s Health Research Institute, including Perinatal Services BC, the Office of Virtual Health and Provincial Digital Health and Information Services.
Beth Payne, Chair | Research Project Manager, Digital Health, WHRI/BCCHR
Gina Ogilvie, Vice-Chair/PI | Senior Advisor, Research, BC Women’s /Assistant Director, WHRI
Tibor van Rooij, Member, Co-PI | Director, Research Informatics, BCCHR
Nicole Prestley, Member | Knowledge Translation Lead, WHRI
Quynh Doan, Member | Interim Senior Executive Director, BCCHR
Marianne Vidler, Member | Assistant Professor, Dept. OB/Gyn
Punit Virk, Member/Trainee| PhD candidate, Faculty of Medicine
May Tuason, Member | Director, Clinical Architecture and Innovation, Provincial Digital Health and Information Services
Kathryn Berry-Einarson, Member | Director, Quality & Research, Perinatal Services BC, PHSA
Tina Costa, Member | Senior Leader, Virtual Health, Office of Virtual Health, Provincial Digital Health and Information Services
For more info and resources related to digital health please visit BCCHR’s Digital Health Research resource page.
Connect with us to action the research agenda!
We are actively looking for partners to action the research agenda. Are you interested in connecting? Do you have questions?
Email Beth Payne, Digital Health Research Program Manager, WHRI/BCCHR BPayne@cw.bc.ca