WHRI Symposium: Call for posters


The Women’s Health Research Institute (WHRI) is now accepting submissions for the poster session that will take place at the 6th Annual WHRI Symposium on Wednesday, March 3, 2021. We will be holding the symposium virtually this year via a Zoom conference platform.

Posters must be focused on research related to women’s or newborn health. Posters can be ‘repurposed’ from previous conferences or presentations within the last two years. This call is open to researchers and trainees.

Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Time: 7:30am – 3:00pm (Poster Session: 12:20pm – 1:00pm)

Abstract submissions to be considered for the poster session are due Wednesday, February 24th. The notice of decision will be Thursday, February 25th.

Submission can be sent to kdewar@cw.bc.ca

Abstract Guidelines: Abstract should not exceed 400 words. Please organize your abstract according to the following categories: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.

The poster session will take place at the end of the lunch break and will run from 12:20pm to 1:00pm. Because we are using a virtual conference platform, posters will need to be uploaded as PDFs (typical PowerPoint-sized poster saved as a 1-page PDF) within the platform in advance of the event. Attendees will be able to interact virtually with presenters by clicking on a chat button beside each poster to engage one-on-one. Detailed instructions on the poster session, including how to upload a poster to the platform and how to engage with attendees who ‘visit’ a poster, will be sent to presenters in advance.

More information on the symposium program and speakers can be found here: https://ubccpd.ca/course/whri2021

To register for the symposium, please click the following link: https://events.eply.com/whri2021
