Sabina's Stats Series

We’re excited to introduce a new lecture series: “Sabina’s Stats Series ” hosted by our Senior Statistician, Sabina Dobrer. This lecture series is designed to gradually enhance your statistical expertise without overwhelming you with technical jargon. Building on the basics of probability theory, the lectures will deepen your understanding of statistical concepts. Register via Eventbrite!

By the end of this series you will be able to:

  1. Differentiate between various statistical distributions and understand their applications
  2. Learn about different statistical measures for reporting
  3. Explore various statistical tests and their practical use
  4. Understand how study designs relate to statistical applications
  5. Delve into basic and advanced statistical modeling
  6. Master data presentation and visualization techniques

When: Thursday January 25th | 12pm – 1pm

What: – Comprehensive Insights: Understanding the Link Between Study Designs, Statistical Modeling, and Analytical Applications

Learning Objectives:

• Understand how study designs relate to statistical applications.
• Explore various statistical tests and their practical use.
• Delve into basic and advanced statistical modeling.
• Master data presentation and visualization techniques.

When: Thursday November 23 | 12pm – 1pm

What: Navigating the Data Jungle – Demystifying Proportions, Rates, Ratios, and Relative Risk

Learning Objectives:

Objective 1:
1. Differentiate between proportions, rates, and ratios, and understand their significance in various contexts.
2. Comprehend the concept of relative risk and its importance in assessing the strength of associations in epidemiological studies and beyond.
3. Apply these concepts to real-world health data

Watch here:

When: Thursday October 26th | 12pm – 1pm

What: Unveiling Your Findings – Going Beyond the P-Value Hype

Learning Objectives:

Objective1: By the end of this lecture, you will have a comprehensive understanding of presenting research results effectively and critically evaluating the significance of p-values. This lecture aims to equip researches with the skills to interpret and communicate research findings in a more holistic and informative manner, moving beyond the often misused emphasis on p-values.

1. Comprehend the concept of p-value and its role in hypothesis testing
2. Recognize the limitations and potential pitfalls associated with relying solely on p-values for result interpretation
3. Acquire knowledge about alternative measures for result presentation, such as effect sizes, confidence intervals, and practical significance
4. Be capable of selecting and using appropriate measures based on the nature of the data and research goals

Watch here:

When: Thursday September 28th | 12pm – 1pm

What: Statistical Distributions – Why Are They Important?

Learning Objectives: 

Objective 1: By the end of this lecture, you will understand the foundational concepts of statistical distributions, including different types of variables, the distinction between Probability Mass Function (PMF) and Probability Density Function (PDF), and how statistical distributions can be interpreted through the lens of probability theory. 

Objective 2: You will learn to identify and differentiate between common statistical distributions, such as the normal distribution, binomial distribution and other distribution. You will understand the characteristics, properties, and use cases of these distributions, enabling them to apply them in real-world scenarios and statistical analysis

Watch here:



More From Sabina

In case you missed it, Sabina previously delivered two engaging lectures as part of the WHRI Lunch and Learn series:

“Data Life Cycle”: Watch it here – YouTube Link

“What is Stats? A Series of Un/Fortunate Events”: Catch up here – YouTube Link

We highly recommend checking out these introductory lectures before the new series kicks off in 2023.

But that’s not all! Sabina has been sharing her insights through in our Stats Corner in e-blast. These practical tips and topics are based on your frequently asked questions and extend your learning from the lectures. Don’t miss out on these valuable resources:

June: Tips on Data Management

July: Tips on Database Design

August: Let’s Learn About Comparing Categorical and Continuous Variables in Research


Whether you’re writing grants, designing databases, or performing statistical analyses, these e-blast corner topics will equip you with useful knowledge.

For additional questions or concerns, Sabina is here to help. Reach out to her at
