We previously communicated about the launch of the pilot project on partnership with Perinatal Services BC that provides streamlined and efficient access to data within the BC Perinatal Data Registry (BCPDR). We also announced the availability of data linkage to neighbourhood-level socioeconomic status (SES) data and deprivation indexes. We are now happy to report that the linkage file with multiple socioeconomic indicators based on the 2021 Canada publicly available data is ready to be used.
Previously, researchers could not access SES information without a lengthy application process. Through the WHRI, researchers can now access publicly available relevant data, including deprivation indexes like residential instability or ethno-cultural composition. This publicly available data will be linked to the BCPDR by the WHRI Data Analyst and requesting researchers will receive a de-identified, linked dataset.
Where do I go for information?
All of the relevant processes and information are now updated on our WHRI BCPDR Information Hub page listed under the dropdown menu “Link BCPDR data to neighbourhood-level SES data.“
Here you will find the following:
- Process and steps to enable linking
- Variables and indicators available
Who do I contact with questions?
If you need information about additional indicators, please contact our Senior Statistician Sabina Dobrer at Sabina.Dobrer@cw.bc.ca.