BC Women's Hospital Research Rounds have gone virtual! Join us the third Friday of each month from 8:00am - 9:00am to hear about the latest in women's health research.

Talk title: The Research Agenda for Perinatal Innovation and Digital Health Project: Human-Centered Approach to Multi-partner Research Agenda Co-development

Presenter: Dr. Beth Payne, Sally Chen and Haneen Amhaz

Learning Objectives:

  1. Present the findings from the RAPID project
  2. Provide an example of applying a human-centered design approach to digital health research
  3. Mobilize the research community to take up research in identified priority areas
  4. Stimulate partnerships and digital health research ideas

Contact: whri.communications@cw.bc.ca with any questions and for in-person and Zoom information. 

Talk title: Exploring Second and Third Trimester Termination of Pregnancy for Medical Reasons in Canada

Presenter: Dr. Jessica Liauw and Dr. Madeleine Ennis.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To describe the 2nd and 3rd trimester termination of pregnancy for health reasons landscape in Canada and British Columbia
  2. To discuss new research regarding how this care is currently delivered in Canada, and explore factors that influence care
  3. To explore ways to improve access to and quality of this care in Canada

Contact: whri.communications@cw.bc.ca with any questions and for in-person and Zoom information. 

Talk title: Outcomes from the First Comprehensive Study of Midlife Women in BC: the Health and Economics Research on Midlife Women in British Columbia (HER-BC)

Presenter: Dr. Lori Brotto, Dr. Marina Adshade, Dr. Kerstin Gustafson

Learning Objectives:

1.To learn about the range and intensity of perimenopausal symptoms experienced by a sample of midlife women in BC.

2. To understand the relationship between symptoms and mental health, health seeking, and job performance.

3. To consider how we might implement the five recommendations that emerged from the findings.

Read the HER-BC Report. 

Contact: whri.communications@cw.bc.ca with any questions and for in-person and Zoom information. 

Talk title: Biomedical Community Based Research: The BCC3 Experience

Presenter: Dr. Melanie Murray and Dr. Hélène Côté 

Learning Objectives:

  1. To learn how community partners can be meaningfully involved in basic and clinical research studies. 

  2. To understand the importance of community engagement at all stages of the research process. 

  3. To explore novel methods for knowledge mobilization and exchange.


Contact: whri.communications@cw.bc.ca with any questions and for in-person and Zoom information. 

Talk title: The best start to life: Enhancing equity through implementation science.

Presenter: Helen Skouteris

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the importance of Implementation Science 

  2. Understand the limitations of Implementation Science 

  3. Consider how one might reimagine their own research and practice to move away from a deficit mindset of what society is doing poorly, leading to childhood inequities, to one that is positive about what society can achieve in relation to promoting and nurturing children’s health and wellbeing equitably

Contact: whri.communications@cw.bc.ca with any questions and for in-person and Zoom information. 

Talk title: Supporting Primary Care Practitioners to Provide Equitable Abortion Access: A National Program to Create Health Care Professional Tools

Presenter: Dr. Martha Paynter and Dr. Stephanie Begun

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe recent efforts to improve abortion accessibility for underserved populations across Canada.

  2. Navigate public resources for professional development in family planning knowledge.

  3. Support patients to identify trusted sources for information about abortion and contraception.

Contact: whri.communications@cw.bc.ca with any questions and for Zoom information check our October Eblast

Talk title: Exploring Postpartum Sexual Health Using Feminist Post-Structuralism

Presenter: Dr. Rachel Ollivier, PhD, NP(F), MSCP 

Learning Objectives:

  1. To better understand the current state of literature exploring postpartum sexual health from a non-physical focus.

  2. To articulate the basic principles and tenets of feminist poststructuralism and discourse analysis.

  3. To understand the implications of the study findings for clinical practice and future research.

Contact: whri.communications@cw.bc.ca with any questions and for Zoom information check our September Eblast. 

Talk title: Optimization of cardiovascular health among postpartum women with reproductive and pregnancy-related risk factors

Presenter: Dr. Rubee Dev and Juma Orach

Learning Objectives:

  1. Reproductive and pregnancy-related cardiovascular risk indicators for postpartum women

  2. CVD risk assessment in postpartum women

  3. Opportunities in the postpartum period to reduce cardiovascular disease risk

Contact: whri.communications@cw.bc.ca with any questions and for Zoom information check our August Eblast. 

Lessons learned from 3 years of follow-up at a specialized Women’s Heart Clinic

Presenters: Emilie Theberge and Elizabeth Burden.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define the umbrella terms of MINOCA and INOCA, distinguish their main underlying etiologies, and determine how they compare to obstructive coronary artery disease.
  2. Understand the interaction between mental health and (M)INOCA with regards to onset, progression, and perception of chest pain.
  3. Understand the components of a specialized Women’s Heart Clinic (WHC) and its impact on outcomes in women with (M)INOCA.

Contact: whri.communications@cw.bc.ca with any questions and for Zoom information. 

Bridging Healthcare and Climate Change in Rural and Remote Communities: Supporting the Health of Young Women, Girls, and Gender-Diverse Individuals

Presenters: Dr. Maya Gislason, Angel Kennedy, Mackenzie Bosch, Adrienne Barcket

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the connection between climate change and youth mental health, specifically for young girls, women, and gender-diverse living in rural and remote areas in BC.
  2. Understand the current gaps in rural and remote healthcare services in supporting youth’s health in relation to climate change.
  3. Discuss and identify potential eco-social, strengths-based, and youth-focused healthcare approaches to mitigating these gaps.

Contact: whri.communications@cw.bc.ca with any questions and for Zoom information. 

Doing the right things right: Can evidence-based medicine, parental preferences and quality improvement initiatives ever co-exist in the NICU?

Presenter: Dr. Souvik Mitra

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the three basic elements of evidence-based medicine
  2. Explain key differences between neonatal quality improvement initiatives and practice of evidence-based medicine
  3. State the key components of the GRADE evidence-to-decision framework for development of clinical practice guidelines.

Contact whri.communications@cw.bc.ca with any questions.

Braiding Together Evidence, Equity, and Advocacy for Cervical Cancer Prevention

Presenter: Dr. Linda Eckert

Learning Objectives:

  1. Have insight into equity challenges in cervical cancer prevention
  2. Know updated evidence of single dose HPV vaccine
  3. Engage in questions about potential roll of advocacy in furthering scientific and policy goals

Location Details


Go to https://ubc.zoom.us/  and click on ‘Join a Meeting’.

Enter the Meeting ID: 91128 854418
Enter the passcode: 854418

In person: SHY D308 through entrance 77

Contact: whri.communications@cw.bc.ca with any questions.

Beyond the Clinic: The Evolution of Medication Abortion

Presenter: Dr. Katharine White

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the expanded uses of mifepristone beyond 9 weeks gestation
  • Understand the multiple evidenced-based options for follow-up after medication abortion
  • Understand the safety of self-managed abortion options

Contact: whri.communications@cw.bc.ca for questions

Current trends and future possibilities for abortion care in Britain: Evidence from the SACHA Study

Presenter: Dr. Rebecca French

Contact: whri.communications@cw.bc.ca for questions

The Abortion Landscape in the UK


Dr. John Reynolds-Wright 

NES/CSO Clinical Lecturer in Sexual and Reproductive Health
Community Sexual and Reproductive Health Specialist Registrar

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the division and delivery of abortion services in the UK

  • Understand how abortion for fetal anomaly vs ‘social’ indications is provided in the UK

  • Understand the differences in provision of medical vs surgical abortion in the UK

Location Details: 

Zoom Information:
Go to https://ubc.zoom.us/ and click on ‘Join a Meeting’.
Enter the Meeting ID: 92458 122636
Enter the passcode: 122636

In person: ​SHY D308 through entrance 77

contact: whri.communications@cw.bc.ca for questions

User-centered development of educational resources on chronic pelvic pain for health care providers-in-training


Dr. Natasha Orr: Postdoctoral Researcher; 

Rachel Langer – Patient Partner

Navjit Moore – UBC Medical Student, Student Partner

UBC School of Nursing, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Laboratory

Learning Objectives

  • To describe the role of central sensitization in chronic pelvic pain

  • To recognize the current challenges with health care provider education

  • To identify the importance of a user centered design approach to developing chronic pelvic pain resources


Please email whri.communications@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Clinical and Research Update

Dr. Mohamed Bedaiwy:

Professor & Division Head of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

UBC Department of Obstetrics & Genecology

Please email whri.communications@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Development and Validation of a Patient-Oriented Outcome Measure for Dyspareunia

Dr. Paul Yong: Research Director, Endometriosis Pelvic Pain Laboratory

Nisha Marshall: Research Assistant, Patient-Oriented Research

Amna Hussain: Honours Student


Learning Objectives

  • Understand the importance and utility of patient-reported outcome measures
  • Learn about the PROMIS approach to development of a patient-reported outcome measure
  • Learn strategies for addressing bots when recruiting through social media

Please email whri.communications@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Stuck in the Australian Bush Without Service: Finding Pathways to Abortion Care in Rural Australia


Anna Noonan

Visiting Scholar, Contraception and Abortion Research Team, UBC

Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney

SPHERE Centre for Research Excellence

Learning Objectives

  • To become familiar with alternative neoliberal models of abortion care in otherwise like healthcare settings (Australia and Canada)
  • To describe the current challenges to abortion access and provision in rural Australia
  • To discuss and explore possible future strengths-based approaches to rural abortion in both settings

Please email whri.communications@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Celebrating Intersex People and Recognizing the Unique Challenges They Face in Society.


Dr. Caroline Sanders, Associate Professor, UNBC 

Nicky, Advocate for Intersex Care and Human rights

Emma Waite, Research Associate at the Centre for Appearance Research

Katie Garrett, Eagle Canada Community Engagement Officer

Learning Objectives

1.To become familiar with the psychosocial and lifetime health landscape for individuals with intersex

2.To describe the current challenges individuals with intersex face 

3.To discuss how a trauma-informed and culturally safe narrative can support work with intersex individuals, parents of children with intersex, individuals and intersex peer support groups and advocacy organizations

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Psychological and Couple-based Approaches for Treating Women’s Sexual Difficulties


Dr Katrina Bouchard, Assistant Professor | Faculty of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize the symptoms of sexual difficulties affecting women, like painful sex and distressing low sexual desire
  2. Discuss the role of psychologists in providing evidence-based treatment for women’s sexual difficulties, including as part of multidisciplinary teams
  3. Present research evidence supporting the use of couple-based approaches for treating women’s sexual difficulties

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

A BC Perinatal Data Registry Spotlight


Dr. Ruth Habte, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Resident Physician | UBC

Dr. Sarka Lisonkova, Associate Professor | UBC

Emma Branch, Research Data Analyst | WHRI

Learning Objectives:

  • To gain understanding of the B.C. PDR data and access procedures;
  • To describe an overview of B.C. PDR Completed Research and Research in Progress.

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Feasibility and acceptability of collecting umbilical cord tissue for prenatal cannabis research 

Presenter: Dr. Hamideh Bayrampour, Associate Professor in the Midwifery Program in Department of Family Practice at UBC

Learning Objectives:

  • To become familiar with the feasibility of collecting umbilical cord tissue in a tertiary hospital.
  • To understand the acceptability of collecting cord tissue among a community sample of pregnant persons in BC.
  • To become familiar with the implications of this research. 

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Achieving Elimination of Cervical Cancer: BC’s role in improving cervical cancer screening locally and beyond

Presenters: Dr. Gina Ogilvie, Amy Booth, Maryam AboMoslim, Hallie Dau

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the impact of enhanced cervical screening in the elimination strategy.  
  • Present findings of HPV-based self-collection work in BC.
  • Present findings of the ASPIRE program projects conducted in Uganda and Rwanda.

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An Update

Presenter: Dr. Luis Nacul

Learning Objectives:

  • ​Principles of diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS   ​​
  • Advances in epidemiological and clinical research at the Complex Chronic Diseases Program (BCW and WHRI)
  • Level of clinical evidence in the field

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

“Choice” in Childbirth in Mid-Twentieth Century Canada

Presenter: Dr. Whitney Wood

Learning Objectives:

  • ​Provide an overview of the history of childbirth and obstetric practice in mid-twentieth century Canada
  • Learn about the historical roots of ongoing health equity issues and gaps in care as they relate to maternal health and obstetric services
  • ​​Explore the limits of “choice” in childbirth from a reproductive justice perspective, as shaped by factors including gender, race, class, and location ​​

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Biobanking in the prenatal and neonatal period

Presenter: Dr. Suzanne Vercauteren, Ashton Ellis

Learning Objectives:

  • ​What are the BCCH BioBank and BCWH Preemie Biobank?
  • Identifying how and when to approach pregnant patients for research.
  • ​​How the BCCH BioBank and BCWH Preemie Biobanks can help your research. ​​

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

How can my research change policy?- Lessons from the CART Sexual Health Survey quest 

Presenter: Dr. Wendy V. Norman

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe effective approaches to partner with policymakers for women’s health research in Canada.
  • Introduce an example of integrated knowledge mobilization for women’s health research.
  • Identify three ‘top tips’ for success in partnering with policy makers for women’s health research in Canada.

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

One year outcomes in a women’s heart health centre

Presenter: Dr. Tara Sedlak

Learning Objectives:

  • To describe MINOCA and INOCA as newly recognized entities in women’s heart health
  • To describe one year outcomes in a women’s heart center focusing on MINOCA and INOCA

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Highlights from the 2019 Canadian Abortion Provider Survey

Presenters: Dr. Regina Renner and Dr. Madeleine Ennis

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the development of the 2019 Canadian Abortion Provider Survey and how it fits in with the Contraception and Abortion Research Team’s Program of Research  
  • Describe the results of the survey including the abortion workforce, clinical abortion care provided by respondents, and respondent experiences with stigma and harassment
  • Describe the knowledge translation activities related to the survey results

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Postpartum thoughts of infant-related harm: Relation to obsessive-compulsive disorder and infant safety

Presenter: Dr. Nichole Fairbrother

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about the nature and prevalence of postpartum thoughts of infant-related harm.
  • Learn about the types of infant-related harm thoughts associated with a risk to infant safety and those that are not.
  • Learn about the relationship between postpartum harm thoughts and mental health.

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Fostering diversity of partners in perinatal patient-oriented research

Presenters: Julie Zhao, Summer Zhang, Shukria Ahmadi

Learning Objectives:

  • To identify barriers to diversity and inclusion of participants in research related to pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period
  • To identify possible strategies to improve recruitment of participants from underrepresented groups in pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period


Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pregnant Women Living with HIV and their infants

Presenter: Marisa Dorling

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the rate of perinatal and infant outcomes among women living with HIV during the pandemic period and compare these to the pre-pandemic period
  • Discuss potential factors behind and increased HIV vertical transmission rate

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Pillars of the Global Strategy for Cervical Cancer Elimination: Overview of two studies exploring HPV immunization and HPV primary screening in BC

Presenters: Dr. Anna Gottschlich and Dr. Sarai Racey

Learning Objectives:

  • Introduce the Global and Canadian action plan for the elimination of cervical cancer.
  • Provide a summary of an HPV immunization practice change project aimed at increasing HPV immunization in the school-based immunization program.
  • Provide an overview of primary HPV screening through the FOCAL-DECADE study.

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Using antenatal sera to map COVID-19 prevalence across Canada: the journey of the Antenatal Serostudies project

Presenter: Dr. Andrea Atkinson

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the purpose and utility of using antenatal serum for assessing seroprevalence of a disease
  • Identify the limitations of PCR positive versus seroprevalence for public health monitoring of COVID-19 in Canada
  • Understand the results of national COVID-19 seroprevalence data and potential future applications

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Stress During Pregnancy and Sex Ratios: The Long-Term Implications of COVID-19

Presenter: Niki Oveisi

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe historical secondary sex ratio trends and
    their influences

  2. Understand the social complexities introduced by the direction of the secondary sex ratio

  3. Describe the potential impact of COVID-19 stressors on the direction of the secondary sex ratio

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Postpartum people’s experiences and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic from March 2020 to April 2021

Presenter: Dr. Hamideh Bayrampour

Learning Objectives:

  1. To understand the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on postpartum people during the first year of the pandemic
  2. To describe postpartum people’s experiences and responses to the pandemic
  3. To identify ways in which healthcare providers can better support this population

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Epidemic of Ovulation-Disturbed, Normal-Length Menstrual Cycles during the SARS-CoV2 Pandemic

Presenter: Dr. Jerilynn Prior

Learning Objectives:

  1. COVID-19 & women’s cycles—what we now know
  2. The menstrual cycle & ovulation hypothalamic adaptation system
  3. Menstruation & Ovulation2 (MOS2) design, recruitment, and participant characteristics
  4. Results–prevalent subclinical ovulatory disturbances (SOD)
  5. “Experiment of Nature”—MOS (2007) vs MOS2

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Opportunistic Salpingectomy for ovarian cancer prevention: Evidence of effectiveness and expanding the ‘opportunities’

Presenters: Dr. Gillian Hanley & Dr. Heather Stuart

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand what opportunistic salpingectomy is and when it has been performed.
  2. Evaluate the evidence about its effectiveness as an ovarian cancer prevention strategy.
  3. Be aware of research to expand the surgical procedures where opportunistic salpingectomy is offered.

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

HIV Made Me Fabulous: Using Film to Disseminate Knowledge and Reduce Stigma

Presenters: Dr. Angela Kaida, Dr. Allie Carter, & Azra Bhanji

Learning Objectives:

  1. To understand the use of arts-based methods in research dissemination

  2. To understand the methods used to develop a dissemination strategy and measure its impact
  3. To understand the impacts of film as a knowledge translation tool to affect change

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Watch HIV Made Me Fabulous

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Celebrating the “change of life”: Supporting women living with HIV through the menopause transition

Presenters: Dr. Elizabeth King and Shayda Swann

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize menopause as an important life transitionfor women, including women living with HIV, thatneeds to be incorporated in clinical care pathways.

  2. Understand the importance of assessing for earlymenopause/primary ovarian insufficiency in womenliving with HIV and appreciate its impacts for health.

  3. Appreciate management of symptoms as animportant aspect of menopausal care and review HIV-specific treatment considerations.

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Health Technology Safety: Challenges and Solutions

Presenter: Dr. Elizabeth Borycki

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe how health technology design, development, programming, implementation and maintenance influence patient safety

    2. Identify models that can be used to support system implementation that is safer and more effective

    3. Identify methods that can be used to test and evaluate the safety of systems before and after implementation

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Fraud detection in the Canadian Abortion Provider Survey (CAPS)

Presenters: Dr. Regina-Maria Renner

Learning Objectives:

  1. Be able to develop fraud prevention strategies
  2. Be able to name a few fraud detection criteria
  3. Be able to develop, pilot and implement a fraud detection algorithm

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Hereditary Gynecologic Cancer and Survivorship

Presenters: Dr. Janice Kwon & Dr. Lesa Dawson

Learning Objectives:

  1. To review hereditary cancer symptoms associated with ovarian and endometrial cancer
  2. To discuss risk-reducing interventions for hereditary cancer syndromes
  3. To explore survivorship issues after risk-reducing interventions

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

1:00pm – 2:00pm PST

A spotlight of trainee research from the BC Perinatal Data Registry

Join us for an afternoon of virtual rapid-fire presentations on women and newborn health-related research projects enabled by BC Perinatal Data Registry data from students, trainees, fellows and other researchers-in-training.

More information

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Impact of the Pandemic on Family Planning

Presenters: Dr. Madeleine Ennis and Kate Wahl

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe changes in clinical abortion practice during the COVID-19 pandemic, including advancements in telemedicine
  2. Identify provider perspectives of barriers and facilitators to abortion access and practice during the COVID-19 pandemic
  3. Demonstrate the use of a medical abortion prescriber checklist

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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Social Determinants of HIV Treatment Engagement among Black Postpartum Women Living with HIV in South Florida, USA

Presenter: Dr. Emmanuela Ojukwu

Learning Objectives:

  1. Black women experience critically low rates of HIV treatment engagement postpartum
  2. Social determinants of health influence HIV treatment engagement at 3 months and 12 months postpartum among Black postpartum women living with HIV in Miami, South Florida
  3. Engagement at 3 months postpartum was a major determinant of ongoing primary care engagement at 12 months postpartum

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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Observations and Suggestions to Improve the Use of Genomic Variation: the Experience of Provincial Medical Genetics Program

Presenters: Dr. Hui-Lin & Dr. Noor Gazzaz

Learning Objectives:

  1. Genomic test results require clinical correlation and reverse-deep phenotyping to determine applicability
  2. Genomic test reports frequently contain findings of insufficient causality
  3. Application of a systematic framework helps define clinical applicability for patient diagnosis and management
  4. Transparent laboratory reporting, interpretive collaboration between clinicians and laboratory geneticists, and clinical functional testing improves diagnostic rates

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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What is stopping us? An implementation science study of kangaroo care in British Columbia’s neonatal intensive care units

Presenters: Sarah Coutts, Alix Woldring, Dr. Ann Pederson,   Julie de Salaberry, Dr. Horacio Osiovich, Dr. Lori Brotto

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the value of implementation science as a research approach in BC NICUs
  2. Describe​ the contextual factors that influence the implementation of Kangaroo Care in BC
  3. Explore strategies to scale up and sustain the practice in BC NICUs 

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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Risk Assessment in Women: still too risky?

Presenter: Dr. Tara Sedlak

Learning Objectives:

  1. To evaluate current risk assessment tools of cardiovascular disease in women and present a novel risk assessment tool with sex-specific features
  2. To outline assessment of MINOCA and INOCA in a women’s heart center (WHC) and present 1 year data from a WHC registry at BCWH and VGH

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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I fought my entire way: Experiences of declining interventions and procedures during pregnancy and childbirth in British Columbia

Presenters: Dr. Paulomi Niles and Dr. Kathrin Stoll

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand what tests and procedures childbearing people in BC declined and why
  2. Understand how care provider reactions in these situations impact childbearing people
  3. Understand implications of findings for clinical practice and education

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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Mind over Scalpel: The Optimization of Mental Health prior to Surgery

Presenter: Dr. Roxana Geoffrion

Learning Objectives:

  1. to review the biopsychosocial model of health and disease in surgery
  2. to explore sex-specific coping mechanisms and pain around the time of surgery
  3. to enumerate associations of pre-surgical depression/anxiety and surgical outcomes

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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COVID RESPONSE: COVID Rapid Evidence Study of a Provincial Population based cOhort for geNder and SEx; Results from a Population Based Survey

Presenters: Dr. Lori Brotto, Dr. Gina Ogilvie, Dr. Angela Kaida, Dr. Liisa Galea, Dr. Manish Sadarangani

Learning Objectives:

Survey data from 5000+ British Columbians will be presented, including:

  1. Impact of pandemic controls on mental health
  2. Intention to receive COVID-19 vaccinations
  3. Economic impacts of pandemic control, including impact on income, housing, and food security
  4. Impact of pandemic controls on reproductive health and access to contraception outcomes

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Current dispensing and practice use patterns of ulipristal acetate (UPA) 30mg (Ella®) as emergency contraception in British Columbia

Presenter: Dr. Michelle Chan

Learning Objectives:

  1. ECElla: What did we do, what did we find
  2. What did we learn
  3. Knowledge translation and next steps

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The experience of women and health care providers in assessing history of gender-based violence during perinatal care

Presenters: Drs. Jila Mirlashari, Ann Pederson, Lori Brotto, & Janet Lyons

  • Learning Objective:
    To investigate the experience of women and health care providers regarding their views on the advantages and disadvantages of assessing for the presence of Gender-Based Violence during perinatal care

Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on trainees engaged in women’s health research in British Columbia

Presenter: Dr. Angela Kaida

Learning objectives:

  1. To learn about how COVID-19 has yielded significant disruptions to trainees’ academic, research, professional, and personal lives
  2. To explore trainee-led recommendations for institutional and supervisor supports
  3. To discuss what we can do as stakeholders in trainee success, to ameliorate impacts in the short and longer term

Self-Care Interventions for Health

Presenter: Dr. Manjulaa Narasimhan

Learning Objectives:

  1. WHO terminology of self-care and self-care interventions
  2. Key elements of WHO’s conceptual framework for self-care interventions for health
  3. Self-care interventions for sexual and reproductive health as additional options when facility-based provision of services is disrupted 

Impact of COVID-19 on Women’s Wellbeing in British Columbia: Preliminary Results from a Qualitative Study

Presenter: Dr. Julia Smith

Learning Objectives:

  1. To explore the intersections between COVID-19 as a health crisis and the broader socio-economic determinants of women’s wellbeing
  2. To discuss how COVID-19 is particularly impacting women healthcare workers
  3. To apply gender-based analysis to policy responses to date

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Women focused digital health research: Conducting digital research and case study presentation of a digital health research project

Presenters: Ciana Maher, Madison Lackie

Learning Objectives:

1. To discuss results of digital health scan and the barriers and facilitators identified in conducting digital health research

2. To learn how to incorporate patient-orientated research and user-centred design to create equitable digital health tools

3. To provide an overview of the development of a web-based resource for postpartum depression

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A qualitative inquiry on pregnant and postpartum women’s responses to the COVID-19 pandemic

Presenter: Dr. Hamideh Bayrampour

Goals/Learning Objectives

  1. To learn about pregnant and postpartum women’s experiences and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
  2. To identify ways in which healthcare providers can support pregnant and postpartum population during the pandemic
  3. To discuss the implications of these findings for practice

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New mothers’ thoughts of infant-related harm: Relation to OCD and infant safety

Presenter: Dr. Nichole Fairbrother

Goals/Learning Objectives

  1. The nature and prevalence of new other’s thoughts of infant-related harm
  2. The nature and prevalance of postpartum-presenting OCD
  3. The relation of new mothers’ thoughts of infant-related harm and OCD with infant safety

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Mindfulness: Practice and results of a clinical trial  in women’s health

Presenter: Dr. Lori Brotto

Goals/Learning Objectives 

  1. Learn about a clinical trial evaluating mindfulness versus cognitive behaviour therapy for provoked vestibulodynia 
  2. Learn about a social media knowledge translation campaign designed to disseminate the research to women
  3. Be exposed to some of the mindfulness skills participants in the trial practiced
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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Clinical and Research Update

Dr. Mohamed Bedaiwy:

Professor & Division Head of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

UBC Department of Obstetrics & Genecology

Please email whri.communications@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Development and Validation of a Patient-Oriented Outcome Measure for Dyspareunia

Dr. Paul Yong: Research Director, Endometriosis Pelvic Pain Laboratory

Nisha Marshall: Research Assistant, Patient-Oriented Research

Amna Hussain: Honours Student

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the importance and utility of patient-reported outcome measures
  • Learn about the PROMIS approach to development of a patient-reported outcome measure
  • Learn strategies for addressing bots when recruiting through social media

Please email whri.communications@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Stuck in the Australian Bush Without Service: Finding Pathways to Abortion Care in Rural Australia


Anna Noonan

Visiting Scholar, Contraception and Abortion Research Team, UBC

Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney

SPHERE Centre for Research Excellence

Learning Objectives

  • To become familiar with alternative neoliberal models of abortion care in otherwise like healthcare settings (Australia and Canada)
  • To describe the current challenges to abortion access and provision in rural Australia
  • To discuss and explore possible future strengths-based approaches to rural abortion in both settings

Please email whri.communications@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Celebrating Intersex People and Recognizing the Unique Challenges They Face in Society.


Dr. Caroline Sanders, Associate Professor, UNBC 

Nicky, Advocate for Intersex Care and Human rights

Emma Waite, Research Associate at the Centre for Appearance Research

Katie Garrett, Eagle Canada Community Engagement Officer

Learning Objectives

1.To become familiar with the psychosocial and lifetime health landscape for individuals with intersex

2.To describe the current challenges individuals with intersex face 

3.To discuss how a trauma-informed and culturally safe narrative can support work with intersex individuals, parents of children with intersex, individuals and intersex peer support groups and advocacy organizations

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Psychological and Couple-based Approaches for Treating Women’s Sexual Difficulties


Dr Katrina Bouchard, Assistant Professor | Faculty of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize the symptoms of sexual difficulties affecting women, like painful sex and distressing low sexual desire
  2. Discuss the role of psychologists in providing evidence-based treatment for women’s sexual difficulties, including as part of multidisciplinary teams
  3. Present research evidence supporting the use of couple-based approaches for treating women’s sexual difficulties

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

A BC Perinatal Data Registry Spotlight


Dr. Ruth Habte, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Resident Physician | UBC

Dr. Sarka Lisonkova, Associate Professor | UBC

Emma Branch, Research Data Analyst | WHRI

Learning Objectives:

  • To gain understanding of the B.C. PDR data and access procedures;
  • To describe an overview of B.C. PDR Completed Research and Research in Progress.

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Feasibility and acceptability of collecting umbilical cord tissue for prenatal cannabis research 

Presenter: Dr. Hamideh Bayrampour, Associate Professor in the Midwifery Program in Department of Family Practice at UBC

Learning Objectives:

  • To become familiar with the feasibility of collecting umbilical cord tissue in a tertiary hospital.
  • To understand the acceptability of collecting cord tissue among a community sample of pregnant persons in BC.
  • To become familiar with the implications of this research. 

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Achieving Elimination of Cervical Cancer: BC’s role in improving cervical cancer screening locally and beyond

Presenters: Dr. Gina Ogilvie, Amy Booth, Maryam AboMoslim, Hallie Dau

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the impact of enhanced cervical screening in the elimination strategy.  
  • Present findings of HPV-based self-collection work in BC.
  • Present findings of the ASPIRE program projects conducted in Uganda and Rwanda.

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An Update

Presenter: Dr. Luis Nacul

Learning Objectives:

  • ​Principles of diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS   ​​
  • Advances in epidemiological and clinical research at the Complex Chronic Diseases Program (BCW and WHRI)
  • Level of clinical evidence in the field

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

“Choice” in Childbirth in Mid-Twentieth Century Canada

Presenter: Dr. Whitney Wood

Learning Objectives:

  • ​Provide an overview of the history of childbirth and obstetric practice in mid-twentieth century Canada
  • Learn about the historical roots of ongoing health equity issues and gaps in care as they relate to maternal health and obstetric services
  • ​​Explore the limits of “choice” in childbirth from a reproductive justice perspective, as shaped by factors including gender, race, class, and location ​​

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Biobanking in the prenatal and neonatal period

Presenter: Dr. Suzanne Vercauteren, Ashton Ellis

Learning Objectives:

  • ​What are the BCCH BioBank and BCWH Preemie Biobank?
  • Identifying how and when to approach pregnant patients for research.
  • ​​How the BCCH BioBank and BCWH Preemie Biobanks can help your research. ​​

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

How can my research change policy?- Lessons from the CART Sexual Health Survey quest 

Presenter: Dr. Wendy V. Norman

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe effective approaches to partner with policymakers for women’s health research in Canada.
  • Introduce an example of integrated knowledge mobilization for women’s health research.
  • Identify three ‘top tips’ for success in partnering with policy makers for women’s health research in Canada.

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

One year outcomes in a women’s heart health centre

Presenter: Dr. Tara Sedlak

Learning Objectives:

  • To describe MINOCA and INOCA as newly recognized entities in women’s heart health
  • To describe one year outcomes in a women’s heart center focusing on MINOCA and INOCA

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Highlights from the 2019 Canadian Abortion Provider Survey

Presenters: Dr. Regina Renner and Dr. Madeleine Ennis

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the development of the 2019 Canadian Abortion Provider Survey and how it fits in with the Contraception and Abortion Research Team’s Program of Research  
  • Describe the results of the survey including the abortion workforce, clinical abortion care provided by respondents, and respondent experiences with stigma and harassment
  • Describe the knowledge translation activities related to the survey results

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Postpartum thoughts of infant-related harm: Relation to obsessive-compulsive disorder and infant safety

Presenter: Dr. Nichole Fairbrother

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about the nature and prevalence of postpartum thoughts of infant-related harm.
  • Learn about the types of infant-related harm thoughts associated with a risk to infant safety and those that are not.
  • Learn about the relationship between postpartum harm thoughts and mental health.

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Fostering diversity of partners in perinatal patient-oriented research

Presenters: Julie Zhao, Summer Zhang, Shukria Ahmadi

Learning Objectives:

  • To identify barriers to diversity and inclusion of participants in research related to pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period
  • To identify possible strategies to improve recruitment of participants from underrepresented groups in pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period


Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pregnant Women Living with HIV and their infants

Presenter: Marisa Dorling

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the rate of perinatal and infant outcomes among women living with HIV during the pandemic period and compare these to the pre-pandemic period
  • Discuss potential factors behind and increased HIV vertical transmission rate

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Pillars of the Global Strategy for Cervical Cancer Elimination: Overview of two studies exploring HPV immunization and HPV primary screening in BC

Presenters: Dr. Anna Gottschlich and Dr. Sarai Racey

Learning Objectives:

  • Introduce the Global and Canadian action plan for the elimination of cervical cancer.
  • Provide a summary of an HPV immunization practice change project aimed at increasing HPV immunization in the school-based immunization program.
  • Provide an overview of primary HPV screening through the FOCAL-DECADE study.

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Using antenatal sera to map COVID-19 prevalence across Canada: the journey of the Antenatal Serostudies project

Presenter: Dr. Andrea Atkinson

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the purpose and utility of using antenatal serum for assessing seroprevalence of a disease
  • Identify the limitations of PCR positive versus seroprevalence for public health monitoring of COVID-19 in Canada
  • Understand the results of national COVID-19 seroprevalence data and potential future applications

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Stress During Pregnancy and Sex Ratios: The Long-Term Implications of COVID-19

Presenter: Niki Oveisi

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe historical secondary sex ratio trends and
    their influences

  2. Understand the social complexities introduced by the direction of the secondary sex ratio

  3. Describe the potential impact of COVID-19 stressors on the direction of the secondary sex ratio

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Postpartum people’s experiences and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic from March 2020 to April 2021

Presenter: Dr. Hamideh Bayrampour

Learning Objectives:

  1. To understand the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on postpartum people during the first year of the pandemic
  2. To describe postpartum people’s experiences and responses to the pandemic
  3. To identify ways in which healthcare providers can better support this population

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Epidemic of Ovulation-Disturbed, Normal-Length Menstrual Cycles during the SARS-CoV2 Pandemic

Presenter: Dr. Jerilynn Prior

Learning Objectives:

  1. COVID-19 & women’s cycles—what we now know
  2. The menstrual cycle & ovulation hypothalamic adaptation system
  3. Menstruation & Ovulation2 (MOS2) design, recruitment, and participant characteristics
  4. Results–prevalent subclinical ovulatory disturbances (SOD)
  5. “Experiment of Nature”—MOS (2007) vs MOS2

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Opportunistic Salpingectomy for ovarian cancer prevention: Evidence of effectiveness and expanding the ‘opportunities’

Presenters: Dr. Gillian Hanley & Dr. Heather Stuart

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand what opportunistic salpingectomy is and when it has been performed.
  2. Evaluate the evidence about its effectiveness as an ovarian cancer prevention strategy.
  3. Be aware of research to expand the surgical procedures where opportunistic salpingectomy is offered.

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

HIV Made Me Fabulous: Using Film to Disseminate Knowledge and Reduce Stigma

Presenters: Dr. Angela Kaida, Dr. Allie Carter, & Azra Bhanji

Learning Objectives:

  1. To understand the use of arts-based methods in research dissemination

  2. To understand the methods used to develop a dissemination strategy and measure its impact
  3. To understand the impacts of film as a knowledge translation tool to affect change

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Watch HIV Made Me Fabulous

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Celebrating the “change of life”: Supporting women living with HIV through the menopause transition

Presenters: Dr. Elizabeth King and Shayda Swann

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize menopause as an important life transitionfor women, including women living with HIV, thatneeds to be incorporated in clinical care pathways.

  2. Understand the importance of assessing for earlymenopause/primary ovarian insufficiency in womenliving with HIV and appreciate its impacts for health.

  3. Appreciate management of symptoms as animportant aspect of menopausal care and review HIV-specific treatment considerations.

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Health Technology Safety: Challenges and Solutions

Presenter: Dr. Elizabeth Borycki

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe how health technology design, development, programming, implementation and maintenance influence patient safety

    2. Identify models that can be used to support system implementation that is safer and more effective

    3. Identify methods that can be used to test and evaluate the safety of systems before and after implementation

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Fraud detection in the Canadian Abortion Provider Survey (CAPS)

Presenters: Dr. Regina-Maria Renner

Learning Objectives:

  1. Be able to develop fraud prevention strategies
  2. Be able to name a few fraud detection criteria
  3. Be able to develop, pilot and implement a fraud detection algorithm

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Hereditary Gynecologic Cancer and Survivorship

Presenters: Dr. Janice Kwon & Dr. Lesa Dawson

Learning Objectives:

  1. To review hereditary cancer symptoms associated with ovarian and endometrial cancer
  2. To discuss risk-reducing interventions for hereditary cancer syndromes
  3. To explore survivorship issues after risk-reducing interventions

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

1:00pm – 2:00pm PST

A spotlight of trainee research from the BC Perinatal Data Registry

Join us for an afternoon of virtual rapid-fire presentations on women and newborn health-related research projects enabled by BC Perinatal Data Registry data from students, trainees, fellows and other researchers-in-training.

More information

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Impact of the Pandemic on Family Planning

Presenters: Dr. Madeleine Ennis and Kate Wahl

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe changes in clinical abortion practice during the COVID-19 pandemic, including advancements in telemedicine
  2. Identify provider perspectives of barriers and facilitators to abortion access and practice during the COVID-19 pandemic
  3. Demonstrate the use of a medical abortion prescriber checklist

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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Social Determinants of HIV Treatment Engagement among Black Postpartum Women Living with HIV in South Florida, USA

Presenter: Dr. Emmanuela Ojukwu

Learning Objectives:

  1. Black women experience critically low rates of HIV treatment engagement postpartum
  2. Social determinants of health influence HIV treatment engagement at 3 months and 12 months postpartum among Black postpartum women living with HIV in Miami, South Florida
  3. Engagement at 3 months postpartum was a major determinant of ongoing primary care engagement at 12 months postpartum

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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Observations and Suggestions to Improve the Use of Genomic Variation: the Experience of Provincial Medical Genetics Program

Presenters: Dr. Hui-Lin & Dr. Noor Gazzaz

Learning Objectives:

  1. Genomic test results require clinical correlation and reverse-deep phenotyping to determine applicability
  2. Genomic test reports frequently contain findings of insufficient causality
  3. Application of a systematic framework helps define clinical applicability for patient diagnosis and management
  4. Transparent laboratory reporting, interpretive collaboration between clinicians and laboratory geneticists, and clinical functional testing improves diagnostic rates

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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What is stopping us? An implementation science study of kangaroo care in British Columbia’s neonatal intensive care units

Presenters: Sarah Coutts, Alix Woldring, Dr. Ann Pederson,   Julie de Salaberry, Dr. Horacio Osiovich, Dr. Lori Brotto

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the value of implementation science as a research approach in BC NICUs
  2. Describe​ the contextual factors that influence the implementation of Kangaroo Care in BC
  3. Explore strategies to scale up and sustain the practice in BC NICUs 

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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Risk Assessment in Women: still too risky?

Presenter: Dr. Tara Sedlak

Learning Objectives:

  1. To evaluate current risk assessment tools of cardiovascular disease in women and present a novel risk assessment tool with sex-specific features
  2. To outline assessment of MINOCA and INOCA in a women’s heart center (WHC) and present 1 year data from a WHC registry at BCWH and VGH

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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I fought my entire way: Experiences of declining interventions and procedures during pregnancy and childbirth in British Columbia

Presenters: Dr. Paulomi Niles and Dr. Kathrin Stoll

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand what tests and procedures childbearing people in BC declined and why
  2. Understand how care provider reactions in these situations impact childbearing people
  3. Understand implications of findings for clinical practice and education

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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Mind over Scalpel: The Optimization of Mental Health prior to Surgery

Presenter: Dr. Roxana Geoffrion

Learning Objectives:

  1. to review the biopsychosocial model of health and disease in surgery
  2. to explore sex-specific coping mechanisms and pain around the time of surgery
  3. to enumerate associations of pre-surgical depression/anxiety and surgical outcomes

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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COVID RESPONSE: COVID Rapid Evidence Study of a Provincial Population based cOhort for geNder and SEx; Results from a Population Based Survey

Presenters: Dr. Lori Brotto, Dr. Gina Ogilvie, Dr. Angela Kaida, Dr. Liisa Galea, Dr. Manish Sadarangani

Learning Objectives:

Survey data from 5000+ British Columbians will be presented, including:

  1. Impact of pandemic controls on mental health
  2. Intention to receive COVID-19 vaccinations
  3. Economic impacts of pandemic control, including impact on income, housing, and food security
  4. Impact of pandemic controls on reproductive health and access to contraception outcomes

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Current dispensing and practice use patterns of ulipristal acetate (UPA) 30mg (Ella®) as emergency contraception in British Columbia

Presenter: Dr. Michelle Chan

Learning Objectives:

  1. ECElla: What did we do, what did we find
  2. What did we learn
  3. Knowledge translation and next steps

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The experience of women and health care providers in assessing history of gender-based violence during perinatal care

Presenters: Drs. Jila Mirlashari, Ann Pederson, Lori Brotto, & Janet Lyons

  • Learning Objective:
    To investigate the experience of women and health care providers regarding their views on the advantages and disadvantages of assessing for the presence of Gender-Based Violence during perinatal care

Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on trainees engaged in women’s health research in British Columbia

Presenter: Dr. Angela Kaida

Learning objectives:

  1. To learn about how COVID-19 has yielded significant disruptions to trainees’ academic, research, professional, and personal lives
  2. To explore trainee-led recommendations for institutional and supervisor supports
  3. To discuss what we can do as stakeholders in trainee success, to ameliorate impacts in the short and longer term

Self-Care Interventions for Health

Presenter: Dr. Manjulaa Narasimhan

Learning Objectives:

  1. WHO terminology of self-care and self-care interventions
  2. Key elements of WHO’s conceptual framework for self-care interventions for health
  3. Self-care interventions for sexual and reproductive health as additional options when facility-based provision of services is disrupted 

Impact of COVID-19 on Women’s Wellbeing in British Columbia: Preliminary Results from a Qualitative Study

Presenter: Dr. Julia Smith

Learning Objectives:

  1. To explore the intersections between COVID-19 as a health crisis and the broader socio-economic determinants of women’s wellbeing
  2. To discuss how COVID-19 is particularly impacting women healthcare workers
  3. To apply gender-based analysis to policy responses to date

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Women focused digital health research: Conducting digital research and case study presentation of a digital health research project

Presenters: Ciana Maher, Madison Lackie

Learning Objectives:

1. To discuss results of digital health scan and the barriers and facilitators identified in conducting digital health research

2. To learn how to incorporate patient-orientated research and user-centred design to create equitable digital health tools

3. To provide an overview of the development of a web-based resource for postpartum depression

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A qualitative inquiry on pregnant and postpartum women’s responses to the COVID-19 pandemic

Presenter: Dr. Hamideh Bayrampour

Goals/Learning Objectives

  1. To learn about pregnant and postpartum women’s experiences and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
  2. To identify ways in which healthcare providers can support pregnant and postpartum population during the pandemic
  3. To discuss the implications of these findings for practice

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New mothers’ thoughts of infant-related harm: Relation to OCD and infant safety

Presenter: Dr. Nichole Fairbrother

Goals/Learning Objectives

  1. The nature and prevalence of new other’s thoughts of infant-related harm
  2. The nature and prevalance of postpartum-presenting OCD
  3. The relation of new mothers’ thoughts of infant-related harm and OCD with infant safety

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Mindfulness: Practice and results of a clinical trial  in women’s health

Presenter: Dr. Lori Brotto

Goals/Learning Objectives 

  1. Learn about a clinical trial evaluating mindfulness versus cognitive behaviour therapy for provoked vestibulodynia 
  2. Learn about a social media knowledge translation campaign designed to disseminate the research to women
  3. Be exposed to some of the mindfulness skills participants in the trial practiced
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An Update

Presenter: Dr. Luis Nacul

Learning Objectives:

  • ​Principles of diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS   ​​
  • Advances in epidemiological and clinical research at the Complex Chronic Diseases Program (BCW and WHRI)
  • Level of clinical evidence in the field

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

“Choice” in Childbirth in Mid-Twentieth Century Canada

Presenter: Dr. Whitney Wood

Learning Objectives:

  • ​Provide an overview of the history of childbirth and obstetric practice in mid-twentieth century Canada
  • Learn about the historical roots of ongoing health equity issues and gaps in care as they relate to maternal health and obstetric services
  • ​​Explore the limits of “choice” in childbirth from a reproductive justice perspective, as shaped by factors including gender, race, class, and location ​​

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Biobanking in the prenatal and neonatal period

Presenter: Dr. Suzanne Vercauteren, Ashton Ellis

Learning Objectives:

  • ​What are the BCCH BioBank and BCWH Preemie Biobank?
  • Identifying how and when to approach pregnant patients for research.
  • ​​How the BCCH BioBank and BCWH Preemie Biobanks can help your research. ​​

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

How can my research change policy?- Lessons from the CART Sexual Health Survey quest 

Presenter: Dr. Wendy V. Norman

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe effective approaches to partner with policymakers for women’s health research in Canada.
  • Introduce an example of integrated knowledge mobilization for women’s health research.
  • Identify three ‘top tips’ for success in partnering with policy makers for women’s health research in Canada.

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

One year outcomes in a women’s heart health centre

Presenter: Dr. Tara Sedlak

Learning Objectives:

  • To describe MINOCA and INOCA as newly recognized entities in women’s heart health
  • To describe one year outcomes in a women’s heart center focusing on MINOCA and INOCA

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Highlights from the 2019 Canadian Abortion Provider Survey

Presenters: Dr. Regina Renner and Dr. Madeleine Ennis

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the development of the 2019 Canadian Abortion Provider Survey and how it fits in with the Contraception and Abortion Research Team’s Program of Research  
  • Describe the results of the survey including the abortion workforce, clinical abortion care provided by respondents, and respondent experiences with stigma and harassment
  • Describe the knowledge translation activities related to the survey results

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Postpartum thoughts of infant-related harm: Relation to obsessive-compulsive disorder and infant safety

Presenter: Dr. Nichole Fairbrother

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about the nature and prevalence of postpartum thoughts of infant-related harm.
  • Learn about the types of infant-related harm thoughts associated with a risk to infant safety and those that are not.
  • Learn about the relationship between postpartum harm thoughts and mental health.

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Fostering diversity of partners in perinatal patient-oriented research

Presenters: Julie Zhao, Summer Zhang, Shukria Ahmadi

Learning Objectives:

  • To identify barriers to diversity and inclusion of participants in research related to pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period
  • To identify possible strategies to improve recruitment of participants from underrepresented groups in pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period


Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pregnant Women Living with HIV and their infants

Presenter: Marisa Dorling

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the rate of perinatal and infant outcomes among women living with HIV during the pandemic period and compare these to the pre-pandemic period
  • Discuss potential factors behind and increased HIV vertical transmission rate

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Pillars of the Global Strategy for Cervical Cancer Elimination: Overview of two studies exploring HPV immunization and HPV primary screening in BC

Presenters: Dr. Anna Gottschlich and Dr. Sarai Racey

Learning Objectives:

  • Introduce the Global and Canadian action plan for the elimination of cervical cancer.
  • Provide a summary of an HPV immunization practice change project aimed at increasing HPV immunization in the school-based immunization program.
  • Provide an overview of primary HPV screening through the FOCAL-DECADE study.

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Using antenatal sera to map COVID-19 prevalence across Canada: the journey of the Antenatal Serostudies project

Presenter: Dr. Andrea Atkinson

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the purpose and utility of using antenatal serum for assessing seroprevalence of a disease
  • Identify the limitations of PCR positive versus seroprevalence for public health monitoring of COVID-19 in Canada
  • Understand the results of national COVID-19 seroprevalence data and potential future applications

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Stress During Pregnancy and Sex Ratios: The Long-Term Implications of COVID-19

Presenter: Niki Oveisi

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe historical secondary sex ratio trends and
    their influences

  2. Understand the social complexities introduced by the direction of the secondary sex ratio

  3. Describe the potential impact of COVID-19 stressors on the direction of the secondary sex ratio

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Postpartum people’s experiences and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic from March 2020 to April 2021

Presenter: Dr. Hamideh Bayrampour

Learning Objectives:

  1. To understand the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on postpartum people during the first year of the pandemic
  2. To describe postpartum people’s experiences and responses to the pandemic
  3. To identify ways in which healthcare providers can better support this population

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Epidemic of Ovulation-Disturbed, Normal-Length Menstrual Cycles during the SARS-CoV2 Pandemic

Presenter: Dr. Jerilynn Prior

Learning Objectives:

  1. COVID-19 & women’s cycles—what we now know
  2. The menstrual cycle & ovulation hypothalamic adaptation system
  3. Menstruation & Ovulation2 (MOS2) design, recruitment, and participant characteristics
  4. Results–prevalent subclinical ovulatory disturbances (SOD)
  5. “Experiment of Nature”—MOS (2007) vs MOS2

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Opportunistic Salpingectomy for ovarian cancer prevention: Evidence of effectiveness and expanding the ‘opportunities’

Presenters: Dr. Gillian Hanley & Dr. Heather Stuart

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand what opportunistic salpingectomy is and when it has been performed.
  2. Evaluate the evidence about its effectiveness as an ovarian cancer prevention strategy.
  3. Be aware of research to expand the surgical procedures where opportunistic salpingectomy is offered.

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

HIV Made Me Fabulous: Using Film to Disseminate Knowledge and Reduce Stigma

Presenters: Dr. Angela Kaida, Dr. Allie Carter, & Azra Bhanji

Learning Objectives:

  1. To understand the use of arts-based methods in research dissemination

  2. To understand the methods used to develop a dissemination strategy and measure its impact
  3. To understand the impacts of film as a knowledge translation tool to affect change

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Watch HIV Made Me Fabulous

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Celebrating the “change of life”: Supporting women living with HIV through the menopause transition

Presenters: Dr. Elizabeth King and Shayda Swann

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize menopause as an important life transitionfor women, including women living with HIV, thatneeds to be incorporated in clinical care pathways.

  2. Understand the importance of assessing for earlymenopause/primary ovarian insufficiency in womenliving with HIV and appreciate its impacts for health.

  3. Appreciate management of symptoms as animportant aspect of menopausal care and review HIV-specific treatment considerations.

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Health Technology Safety: Challenges and Solutions

Presenter: Dr. Elizabeth Borycki

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe how health technology design, development, programming, implementation and maintenance influence patient safety

    2. Identify models that can be used to support system implementation that is safer and more effective

    3. Identify methods that can be used to test and evaluate the safety of systems before and after implementation

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Fraud detection in the Canadian Abortion Provider Survey (CAPS)

Presenters: Dr. Regina-Maria Renner

Learning Objectives:

  1. Be able to develop fraud prevention strategies
  2. Be able to name a few fraud detection criteria
  3. Be able to develop, pilot and implement a fraud detection algorithm

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Hereditary Gynecologic Cancer and Survivorship

Presenters: Dr. Janice Kwon & Dr. Lesa Dawson

Learning Objectives:

  1. To review hereditary cancer symptoms associated with ovarian and endometrial cancer
  2. To discuss risk-reducing interventions for hereditary cancer syndromes
  3. To explore survivorship issues after risk-reducing interventions

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Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

1:00pm – 2:00pm PST

A spotlight of trainee research from the BC Perinatal Data Registry

Join us for an afternoon of virtual rapid-fire presentations on women and newborn health-related research projects enabled by BC Perinatal Data Registry data from students, trainees, fellows and other researchers-in-training.

More information

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

Impact of the Pandemic on Family Planning

Presenters: Dr. Madeleine Ennis and Kate Wahl

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe changes in clinical abortion practice during the COVID-19 pandemic, including advancements in telemedicine
  2. Identify provider perspectives of barriers and facilitators to abortion access and practice during the COVID-19 pandemic
  3. Demonstrate the use of a medical abortion prescriber checklist

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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Social Determinants of HIV Treatment Engagement among Black Postpartum Women Living with HIV in South Florida, USA

Presenter: Dr. Emmanuela Ojukwu

Learning Objectives:

  1. Black women experience critically low rates of HIV treatment engagement postpartum
  2. Social determinants of health influence HIV treatment engagement at 3 months and 12 months postpartum among Black postpartum women living with HIV in Miami, South Florida
  3. Engagement at 3 months postpartum was a major determinant of ongoing primary care engagement at 12 months postpartum

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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Observations and Suggestions to Improve the Use of Genomic Variation: the Experience of Provincial Medical Genetics Program

Presenters: Dr. Hui-Lin & Dr. Noor Gazzaz

Learning Objectives:

  1. Genomic test results require clinical correlation and reverse-deep phenotyping to determine applicability
  2. Genomic test reports frequently contain findings of insufficient causality
  3. Application of a systematic framework helps define clinical applicability for patient diagnosis and management
  4. Transparent laboratory reporting, interpretive collaboration between clinicians and laboratory geneticists, and clinical functional testing improves diagnostic rates

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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What is stopping us? An implementation science study of kangaroo care in British Columbia’s neonatal intensive care units

Presenters: Sarah Coutts, Alix Woldring, Dr. Ann Pederson,   Julie de Salaberry, Dr. Horacio Osiovich, Dr. Lori Brotto

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the value of implementation science as a research approach in BC NICUs
  2. Describe​ the contextual factors that influence the implementation of Kangaroo Care in BC
  3. Explore strategies to scale up and sustain the practice in BC NICUs 

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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Risk Assessment in Women: still too risky?

Presenter: Dr. Tara Sedlak

Learning Objectives:

  1. To evaluate current risk assessment tools of cardiovascular disease in women and present a novel risk assessment tool with sex-specific features
  2. To outline assessment of MINOCA and INOCA in a women’s heart center (WHC) and present 1 year data from a WHC registry at BCWH and VGH

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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I fought my entire way: Experiences of declining interventions and procedures during pregnancy and childbirth in British Columbia

Presenters: Dr. Paulomi Niles and Dr. Kathrin Stoll

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand what tests and procedures childbearing people in BC declined and why
  2. Understand how care provider reactions in these situations impact childbearing people
  3. Understand implications of findings for clinical practice and education

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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Mind over Scalpel: The Optimization of Mental Health prior to Surgery

Presenter: Dr. Roxana Geoffrion

Learning Objectives:

  1. to review the biopsychosocial model of health and disease in surgery
  2. to explore sex-specific coping mechanisms and pain around the time of surgery
  3. to enumerate associations of pre-surgical depression/anxiety and surgical outcomes

Please email whri_cwbc@cw.bc.ca for connection details.

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COVID RESPONSE: COVID Rapid Evidence Study of a Provincial Population based cOhort for geNder and SEx; Results from a Population Based Survey

Presenters: Dr. Lori Brotto, Dr. Gina Ogilvie, Dr. Angela Kaida, Dr. Liisa Galea, Dr. Manish Sadarangani

Learning Objectives:

Survey data from 5000+ British Columbians will be presented, including:

  1. Impact of pandemic controls on mental health
  2. Intention to receive COVID-19 vaccinations
  3. Economic impacts of pandemic control, including impact on income, housing, and food security
  4. Impact of pandemic controls on reproductive health and access to contraception outcomes

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Current dispensing and practice use patterns of ulipristal acetate (UPA) 30mg (Ella®) as emergency contraception in British Columbia

Presenter: Dr. Michelle Chan

Learning Objectives:

  1. ECElla: What did we do, what did we find
  2. What did we learn
  3. Knowledge translation and next steps

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The experience of women and health care providers in assessing history of gender-based violence during perinatal care

Presenters: Drs. Jila Mirlashari, Ann Pederson, Lori Brotto, & Janet Lyons

  • Learning Objective:
    To investigate the experience of women and health care providers regarding their views on the advantages and disadvantages of assessing for the presence of Gender-Based Violence during perinatal care

Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on trainees engaged in women’s health research in British Columbia

Presenter: Dr. Angela Kaida

Learning objectives:

  1. To learn about how COVID-19 has yielded significant disruptions to trainees’ academic, research, professional, and personal lives
  2. To explore trainee-led recommendations for institutional and supervisor supports
  3. To discuss what we can do as stakeholders in trainee success, to ameliorate impacts in the short and longer term

Self-Care Interventions for Health

Presenter: Dr. Manjulaa Narasimhan

Learning Objectives:

  1. WHO terminology of self-care and self-care interventions
  2. Key elements of WHO’s conceptual framework for self-care interventions for health
  3. Self-care interventions for sexual and reproductive health as additional options when facility-based provision of services is disrupted 

Impact of COVID-19 on Women’s Wellbeing in British Columbia: Preliminary Results from a Qualitative Study

Presenter: Dr. Julia Smith

Learning Objectives:

  1. To explore the intersections between COVID-19 as a health crisis and the broader socio-economic determinants of women’s wellbeing
  2. To discuss how COVID-19 is particularly impacting women healthcare workers
  3. To apply gender-based analysis to policy responses to date

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Women focused digital health research: Conducting digital research and case study presentation of a digital health research project

Presenters: Ciana Maher, Madison Lackie

Learning Objectives:

1. To discuss results of digital health scan and the barriers and facilitators identified in conducting digital health research

2. To learn how to incorporate patient-orientated research and user-centred design to create equitable digital health tools

3. To provide an overview of the development of a web-based resource for postpartum depression

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A qualitative inquiry on pregnant and postpartum women’s responses to the COVID-19 pandemic

Presenter: Dr. Hamideh Bayrampour

Goals/Learning Objectives

  1. To learn about pregnant and postpartum women’s experiences and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
  2. To identify ways in which healthcare providers can support pregnant and postpartum population during the pandemic
  3. To discuss the implications of these findings for practice

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New mothers’ thoughts of infant-related harm: Relation to OCD and infant safety

Presenter: Dr. Nichole Fairbrother

Goals/Learning Objectives

  1. The nature and prevalence of new other’s thoughts of infant-related harm
  2. The nature and prevalance of postpartum-presenting OCD
  3. The relation of new mothers’ thoughts of infant-related harm and OCD with infant safety

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Mindfulness: Practice and results of a clinical trial  in women’s health

Presenter: Dr. Lori Brotto

Goals/Learning Objectives 

  1. Learn about a clinical trial evaluating mindfulness versus cognitive behaviour therapy for provoked vestibulodynia 
  2. Learn about a social media knowledge translation campaign designed to disseminate the research to women
  3. Be exposed to some of the mindfulness skills participants in the trial practiced
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