KT Corner


In response to a recent survey and in alignment with our strategic aim to improve Knowledge Translation (KT) activity, the WHRI offered a one-day Scientist Knowledge Translation Training (SKTT) with KT Expert, Dr. Melanie Barwick, to members on April 25th. Dr. Barwick provided insight into KT Planning, Strategies, Implementation and Scholarship.  Members finished with a KT Planning Exercise involving the KT Game. In follow-up to the event, organizer and facilitator, Nicole Prestley, has compiled a KT Toolkit which combines SKTT workshop resources and resources frequently used by the WHRI.

WHRI SKKT Attendee Resource Sheet

A KT Toolkit Dropbox Folder has been created in order to provide ongoing and up-to-date information to our members.  If you would like access to the WHRI KT Toolkit Dropbox Folder or information about signing out our KT Game to use with your team please email Nicole.Prestley@cw.bc.ca.
