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The University of Michigan and UBC team up to tackle women’s health issues in Guatemala
Since 2015, a team of researchers based at the University of Michigan (UM), School of Public Health have led research projects on improving cervical cancer screening coverage in both urban and rural/remote regions of Guatemala. Anna Gottschlich, a PhD student, along with her supervisor Dr Rafael Meza at UM led studies to evaluate the acceptability, […]
By Liisa Galea, Ph.D., Distinguished University Professor, University of British Columbia with help from Stephane Dragon, UBC In the summer of 2016 we conducted a survey1 with responses from 426 verified professors across Canada representing all provinces and territories except for Nunavut on the impact of the CIHR funding changes over the past 5 years […]
Inclusive Gender Indicators
The inclusion of transgender individuals in research is increasingly recognized as important for accurate data collection. However, knowing the best practice for differentiating between biological sex and social gender is not always clear when creating surveys or in other situations where these identifiers are necessary. A study out of The University of Western Ontario found […]
International Forum on Women’s Brain and Mental Health
By Liisa Galea On December 12, 2017, the 1st International Forum on Women’s Brain and Mental Health was held in picturesque Lausanne, Switzerland. It was organized by the Women’s Brain Project in collaboration with the Global Alliance for Women’s Brain Health and The Lancet Psychiatry. The forum was held to highlight the susceptibility of women […]
Maternal Microbiome Legacy Project
Principal Investigator: Dr. Deborah Money Primary Contact: Zahra Pakzad, Research Coordinator, 604-875-2424 ext. 6379, About the study: The role of bacterial communities throughout the body in health and disease is being widely studied. Preliminary research shows a possible link between delivery type (vaginal or caesarean delivery) and the bacterial communities found in the gut in early infancy. […]
Season’s Greetings from the Women’s Health Research Institute
As 2017 draws to a close, I am reminded of two annual traditions that surface at this time of the year. One is the frantic race to complete pressing tasks that I had committed to complete by year end. The second is the opportunity to reflect on the accomplishments, surprises, discoveries, challenges, and laughs over […]
BC Women’s Research Rounds: PErsonalized Genomics for prenatal Aneuploidy Screening USing maternal blood: Lessons Learned & Questions to be Answered
Presenter: Dr Sylvie Langlois, MD, FRCPC, FCCMG Date: January 19th, 2018 Time: 8:00am – 9:00am Location: Room D308 Shaughnessy Building Goals/Learning Objectives: Review the approaches and performance of cfDNA screening tests for common aneuploidy. Demonstrate the impact of second tier cfDNA screening. Discuss questions to be answered by ongoing research in this filed. Videoconferencing Sites […]
World AIDS Day: A look at Oak Tree Clinic
Oak Tree Clinic opened its doors in 1994 as the only HIV clinic in Canada catering specifically to the needs of women and children living with HIV. Based on the recent paper “Women living with HIV envision women-centred HIV care” the clinic is the model that Canadian women living with HIV envision: it provides high-quality […]
WHRI Annual Toy drive: a gift exchange with a twist!
At the WHRI, we have a tradition of doing a holiday gift exchange with a twist. Those who would like to participate are provided with a randomly selected co-worker’s name and asked to buy a gift for that person’s “inner child”. This provides a valuable opportunity to think more deeply about our colleagues, and, thereafter, […]