Qualitative Research
Supporting your qualitative research journey: resources, services, and learning opportunities There is growing curiosity and use of qualitative research methodologies and methods in health research. Whether you’re considering going mixed methods, or fully qualitative, we can orient your efforts! If you or your team are interested in qualitative research and in the supports offered by […]
Grant Writing Learning Corner
Grant Writing Learning Corner Writing grants can be a challenging – not only is the writing style different than other areas of academia, but it is also a competition with other qualified researchers. Knowing the basics of grant writing can help to write clearly and stand out. Funding Home Funding Opportunities Grant Development Support Grant […]
Plain + Inclusive Language
Plain + Inclusive Language At the WHRI, we strive to be equitable and inclusive in how we collaborate, in what we prioritize, and in all that we do. In line with these values, we strive to ensure that our communication – and the communications activities we support – use language that is accessible, inclusive, and accurate. […]
Knowledge Translation
Knowledge Translation Knowledge translation (KT), as defined by the Michael Smith Health Research BC, refers to activities which “aim to close the gap between research and implementation by improving the use of research evidence in practice, policy and further research.” The WHRI has a commitment and framework for supporting KT, which you can read here. […]
Social Media & Communication Resources
Social Media & Communication Resources We actively support scientific communication and knowledge translation through our website, events, social media, and liaising with researchers and institutional media relations offices. Whether you are just starting to think about a social media account, or you have a significant following, the resources below can be useful to navigating the […]
Patient Oriented Research
Patient Oriented Research We are committed to upholding the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Strategy for Patient Oriented Research (SPOR) Framework and guiding principles of inclusiveness, support, mutual respect and co-building, and recognize that patient and public engagement not only includes those receiving care, but also their families, support network and members of the […]
General Resources
General Resources Regulatory Approval Resources Any clinical or behavioural research study that involves human participants requires ethics review and approval to ensure that the research meets federal ethical requirements and protects the welfare of study participants. Research ethics review is a process of initial and ongoing review and monitoring of research involving human participants. The […]