Pride 2024 and Going Beyond the Binary

Pride Progress Flag

WHRI acknowledges the history of Pride as a movement toward justice, and how health-care systems can perpetuate inequities in 2SLGBTQIA+ wellbeing. In alignment with the month of June signifying Pride Month (as well as the start of the longer Pride season), we celebrate and honour the contributions of 2SLBTQIA+ peoples in forging a fairer and more just world.

As part of WHRI’s efforts to recognize staff and communities that we serve, the Beyond the Binary in BC project was undertaken in October 2021 to acknowledge how research informs quality of, and access to care. For our health-care systems to be responsive, our research needs to appropriately engage – and adequately represent – 2SLGBTQAI+ embodiments, expressions, and experiences.

In February 2023, WHRI released the first version of the Beyond the Binary in B.C. (BTB BC) Guide. This guide is a resource for the research community to inform and enable gender-equitable practices throughout research processes. It aims to describe why these practices are necessary and provides support for how to integrate them in research activities. Our aim is for the guide to serve as a resource to support health researchers and health research institutions in their commitments to equity.

“It is always best to ask people the language they use to describe their own experiences” and, “You have to go slow to go far” (Elder Sandy Leo).

The guide was collaboratively developed with a Research and Community Steering Committee made up of people who embody 2SLGBTQIA+ identities, and/or work in support of their wellbeing. The Community Steering Committee emphasized the importance of engaging people in ways that do not perpetuate misrepresentations. As such, the guide promotes reflexive, intersectional, and anti-oppressive practices, and references community-led work.

From an overview of socio-historical contexts to practical tools like the Glossary, and examples of applied practices, the guide is one step that the WHRI is taking to work collaboratively with 2SLGBTQIA+ peoples. The next step is to expand this work to a national scale – a project that is already underway.

Making the provincial guide into a national resource

The Beyond the Binary project was co-led by BC Pomeroy and Angela Kaida. With the completion of Dr. Kaida’s term as the WHRI Assistant Director, the Research Co-Lead shifted to WHRI Executive Director, Dr. Lori Brotto, who was the previous executive sponsor. The project has now moved to a national consultation in collaboration with the Partnership for Women’s Health Research Canada (PWHR) thanks to funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

BC Pomeroy and Angela Kaida.

This national consultation has mirrored the B.C. project engagement process with community and research task forces contributing to a new, revised guide. In respect of the priorities identified by the task forces, this new edition will expand on how to incorporate reflexive practices, and how to use gender equitable language in ethics and regulatory submissions as well as qualitative research settings.

How to get involved in Pride Month

Vancouver & Lower mainland

  • Qmunity: BC’s Queer, Trans and Two Spirit Resource Centre
    • Improving 2SLGBTQIA+ and trans lives through services
    • They offer; info/referrals, diversity training and consulting services, all age events, drop-in programming; counselling and social support groups; volunteer and practicum opportunities; community meeting space.
  • DIVERSEcity
    • Empowers 2SLGBTQIA+ newcomers to Canada with free one-on-one support services or peer group support.
    • Free personalized support such as navigating the processes of finding a house, accessing health care services, education and employment opportunities.
  • 2 Spirits of BC
    • This society organizes events for 2 spirit people living in BC and improve their wellness.
    • They offer workshops, one-on-one and group counselling.
  • Trans Care BC
    • Connects trans people, their loved ones and clinicians with information, education, training and support.
    • Supports Trans, Two Spirited and Non-Binary people find resources; doctor or counselor.
    • Support to parents, families and Indigenous peoples.

Vancouver Island

  • Island Health: Gender-diverse & 2SLGBTQIA+ Health Services
    • 2SLGBTQIA+ Liaison Nurses are available to provide emotional support, healthcare advocacy, connection/referral to community and social resources. In addition, this service’s goal is to have a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community involved in healthcare to promote a safe perspective for 2SLGBTQIA+ people.
  • Island Queers: Group of volunteers on Vancouver Island fundraising to support community non-profit initiatives.

Online Resources

  • The Gender Spectrum Collection is a stock photo library featuring images of trans and non-binary models that go beyond the clichés. This collection aims to help media better represent members of these communities as people not necessarily defined by their gender identities—people with careers, relationships, talents, passions, and home lives.

We would like to acknowledge our Canadian collaborators who have joined the BTB project:

Community Task Force Members: Teffer Adjemian, Emma Devin, Elder Sandra Laframboise, Heather McCain, Jocelyn McLean Adams, Elise Pallagi

Research Task Force Members: Dr. Lori Brotto, Dr. Sandra Davidge, Dr. Kathryn Dewar, Dr. Angela Kaida, Dr. Rulan Parekh, Dr. Natalie Rosen, Dr. Dana Ross, Dr. Jack Woodman.

The revised guide will be presented at a National Knowledge Exchange on October 16th, 2024. Registration is now open via Eventbrite and you are invited!  Register now and please spread the word to others in your research community.

Related Stories

Learn more about PWHR.

Review the current Beyond the Binary Guide.

Read more on PHSA
