Berkhout, Suze
Suze Berkhout completed her MD/PhD (Experimental Medicine) at the University of British Columbia, bringing together qualitative methodologies and the analytic tools of philosophy of science and medical ethics. Her doctoral work examined the politics of health within HIV/AIDS therapies, targeting how social identity and agency shape uptake of treatments. As a resident within the Department of Psychiatry, she is currently exploring ontological questions within first episode psychosis, applying these to issues concerning adherence to treatment. She is also embarking on a joint project focused on epistemological and existential issues surrounding the placebo effect. Suze is a member of the Wilson Centre as well as the Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy (CSWIP).
Research areas of interest:
Social Identity and Health Care, Politics of Health, Placebos/Nocebos, Ontology, Feminist Philosophy of Science
Research Themes:
Woman's Cancer