Coen, Stephanie
I am a critical health geographer with an overarching concern for how everyday social and material contexts matter for health and health equity. I am particularly interested in how taken-for-granted — and often unquestioned — features of our day-to-day environments become implicated in the production of health outcomes, behaviours, and inequities. My research in health geography fits largely into two streams: (1) critical geographies of physical activity, and (2) socio-environmental influences on young people’s health. I also have an interest in qualitative and creative methods as a substantive research area, particularly in relation to questions of rigour and empirically evaluating potentially innovative techniques. Cross-cutting my various research interests is my commitment to making research more useful and applicable in the real-world so that it can be used as an instrument for positive change.
Research areas of interest:
Qualitative health research, gender and health, health geography, physical activity, health inequities, knowledge translation, arts-based methods
Research Themes: