Roberts, Martha

Roberts, Martha

Registered Midwife, South Community Birth Program


Martha has been deeply interested in women’s health since the birth of her first child at home in East Vancouver in 1997. Prior to her midwifery education, Martha worked in community-based women’s health initiatives and participatory action research with low-income mothers and children in the Lower Mainland. Martha received her Bachelor of Midwifery from the University of British Columbia in 2007, and is currently completing her Masters of Science from Simon Fraser University on inequities which shape women’s experiences of prenatal care. Extending her enthusiasm for community health from the local to the international community, Martha is an active participant in the People’s Health Movement and works directly with Community-Based Health Programs in the Philippines. Martha finds working with the multi-disciplinary team and in the group-care model at South Community Birth Program an incredibly rewarding and career-defining experience.

Research Themes:

Maternal & Fetal Health Newborn Health

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