Zusman, Enav
Enav Zusman is a PhD student with Dr. Tim Oberlander and Dr. Robert Platt in the Reproductive and Developmental Sciences program at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Enav’s research interests include pharmacoepidemiology, perinatal epidemiology and mental health. The main focus of her research is the investigation of the associations between prenatal serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant exposure and the development of affective disorders in childhood and adolescence. Prior to commencing her PhD studies, Enav obtained a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD), an MSc in Experimental Medicine from UBC, and a BSc in Medical Sciences from Tel Aviv University (Israel). Enav is a current holder of the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, Killam Doctoral Scholarship, and the UBC Four-Year Fellowhsip. In the past, she has held the CIHR Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master’s award, CIHR Undergraduate Summer Studentship Award, and ImpactBC Scholarship in Health Care Research and Development. As a trained pharmacist, Enav plans to combine her clinical knowledge and experience with her research work to better support medication safety and effectiveness during pregnancy to improve patient care. When she is not conducting research, Enav enjoys spending time with her family and friends, going on hikes, and camping.
Research interests: Pharmacoepidemiology, Perinatal Epidemiology, Mental Health, Pharmacy Practice, Reproductive Health, Pharmacology and Therapeutics
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