Pugash, Denise
Dr Denise Pugash is a radiologist and specialist in fetal imaging at BC Women’s Hospital. She is a graduate of UBC and the McGill University medical school, and she completed residency training at the University of British Columbia. She is a Clinical Professor and in the Department of Radiology at UBC. Dr Pugash is also an Associate Member of the Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine. She completed a fellowship in Fetal MRI with Professor Daniela Prayer at the Medical University of Vienna. As well as devoting her time to clinical practice in the Ultrasound Department at BC Women’s Hospital, she received the Nelly Auersperg Award in 2014 for her research in fetal imaging. She also was awarded funding in 2015 from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and the BC Knowledge Development Fund, to build PRIME (Perinatal Research Imaging Evaluation Centre), at BC Women’s Hospital.