Fabricius, Alexis
Alexis Fabricius is a PhD student in the Applied Social Psychology program at the University of Guelph in Ontario. She uses qualitative methods and draws on Science and Technology
Studies, feminist bioethics and critical health psychology to explore issues related to women’s health. Her doctoral research examines how digital technologies mediate women’s understandings of their health and their bodies. In particular, she investigates the consequences of using and developing FemTech, including privacy loss, indiscriminate appeals to biomedical moral authority, surveillance-based business practices, technological solutionism and Big Data approaches to psychological research, as well as how we can improve these technologies.
Research areas of interest:
Critical psychology, qualitative methods, women’s health, menstruation and fertility, theoretical psychology, feminist and critical theories, philosophy of science, FemTech, epistemological and ethical implications of Big Data, surveillance capitalism, ethics and technology, self-tracking culture, accountability and ethics in Big Tech
Research Themes: