WHRI Reading List

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Acceptance and preference between respiratory syncytial virus vaccination during pregnancy and infant monoclonal antibody among pregnant and postpartum persons in Canada

E. McClymont, J.M.H. Wong, L. Forward, S. Blitz, J. Barrett, T. Bogler, I. Boucoiran, E. Castillo, R. D’Souza, D. El-Chaar, S.A. Fadel, S. Gantt, V. Kuret, G. Ogilvie, V. Poliquin, M. Sadarangani, H. Scott, J.W. Snelgrove, M. Tunde-Byass, D. Money, for The COVERED Team


Acceptance and attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy in Canada

Suraya Bondya, Elisabeth McClymonta, Gal Av-Gaya, Arianne Albertb, Janice Andradea, Sandra Blitza, Ianna Folkesa,Lucia Forwarda, Erin Frasera, Sela Graysa, Jon Barrettc, Julie Bettingerd, Tali Boglere, Isabelle Boucoiranf, Eliana Castillog,Rohan D’Souzah, Darine El-Chaâri, Shaza Fadelj, Verena Kuretg, Gina S. Ogilvieb, Vanessa Poliquink, Manish Sadaranganid,Heather Scottl, John W. Snelgrovem, Modupe Tunde-Byassm, Deborah Moneya,b, and The COVERED Team.

Does menstrual health and endometriosis education affect knowledge among middle and secondary school students? A cluster randomized controlled trial.

WahlK, Albert A, Larente M, Lopez de Arbina E, Kennedy L, Sutherland JL, Imtiaz S,Orr NL, Allaire C, Yong PJ. JObstet Gynaecol Can. 2024 Jun 11:102583. doi: 10.1016/j.jogc.2024.102583.Online ahead of print.

PMID: 38871121

British Columbia CARMA-CHIWOS Collaboration (BCC3): protocol for a community-collaborative cohort study examining healthy ageing with and for women living with HIV

Swann SA, Kaida A, Nicholson V, Brophy J, Campbell AR, Carter A, Elwood C, Gebremedhen T, Gormley R, King EM, Lee M, Lee V, Maan EJ, Magagula P, Nyman S, Pang D, Pick N, Povshedna T, Prior JC, Singer J, Tognazzini S, Murray MCM, Cote HCF. BMJ Open, 2021

Does menstrual health and endometriosis education affect knowledge among middle and secondary school students? A cluster randomized controlled trial.

Wahl K, Albert A, Larente M, Lopez de Arbina E, Kennedy L, Sutherland JL, Imtiaz S, Orr NL, Allaire C, Yong PJ.

J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2024 Jun 11:102583. doi: 10.1016/j.jogc.2024.102583. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 38871121

Comparison of Maternal and Infant Outcomes in SARS-CoV-2 Infected Pregnancies and Contemporaneous General Population Pregnancies From British Columbia

Winnie Fu, BSc1,2 ∙ Elisabeth McClymont, PhD1,2,3 ∙ Gal Av-Gay, MSc1,2 ∙ Qian Zhang, MPH4 ∙ Jeffrey N. Bone, MSc, PhD4 ∙ Chelsea Elwood, MSc, MD1,2 ∙ Ashley Roberts, MEd, MD3,4 ∙ Manish Sadarangani, BM, BCh, MRCPCH, DPhil3,4 ∙ Laura Sauvé, MPH, MD1,3,4 ∙ Julie van Schalkwyk, MSc, MD1,2 ∙ Deborah Money, MD

Prevalence and Course of Unwanted, Intrusive Thoughts of Infant-Related Harm

Fanie Collardeau, PhD; Olivia L. U. Anglin, MD; Arianne Y. K. Albert, PhD; Jazlyn G. Mayhue, MD; and
Nichole Fairbrother, PhD

Perinatal Injectable Opioid Agonist Therapy (iOAT) Treatment Experience: A Qualitative Study

Charissa Patricelli, Ruth Liu, Shanlea Gordon, Nicole Carter, Karly Stewart, Isabelle Gouin, Vanessa Paquette, Jeff Bone, and Karen Urbanoski

Ohnut vs waitlist control for the self-management of endometriosis-associated deep dyspareunia: a pilot randomized controlled trial

Kate Wahl, MSc, Natasha L Orr, PhD, Gurkiran Parmar, MSc, Sandy X J Zhang, MD, Rebecca G K MacLeod, MMus, Heather Noga, MA, Arianne Albert, PhD, Ryan Flannigan, MD, Lori A Brotto, PhD, Paul J Yong, MD, PhD


Exploring How Youth Use TikTok for Mental Health Information in British Columbia: Semistructured Interview Study With YouthInvestigating trait mindfulness in women with a history of unwanted sexual contact

Roxanne Turuba; Willow Cormier; Rae Zimmerman; Nikki Ow; Marco Zenone; Yuri Quintana; Emily Jenkins; Shelly Ben-David ; Alicia Raimundo; Alessandro R Marcon; Steve Mathias; Jo Henderson; Skye Barbic.


Investigating trait mindfulness in women with a history of unwanted sexual contact

Sara Cole and Lori A. Brotto

Strategies to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer in British Columbia, Canada: a modelling study

Reka E. Pataky, Sara Izadi-Najafabadi, Laurie W. Smith, Anna Gottschlich, Diana Ionescu, Lily Proctor, Gina S. Ogilvie and Stuart Peacock

Evidence of Decreased Long-term Risk of Cervical Precancer after Negative Primary HPV Screens Compared with Negative Cytology Screens in a Longitudinal Cohort Study

Anna Gottschlich, Quan Hong, Lovedeep Gondara, Md S. Alam, Darrel A. Cook, Ruth E. Martin, Marette Lee, Joy Melnikow, Stuart Peacock, Lily Proctor, Gavin Stuart, Eduardo L. Franco, Mel Krajden, Laurie W. Smith, Gina S. Ogilvie;

Postnatal Steroids Use for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in a Quaternary Care NICU

Uthayakumaran Kanagaraj, Jason Tan, Amuchou Soraisham, Abhay Lodha, Prakesh Shah, Tapas Kulkarni, Sandesh Shivananda

Care Bundle to Improve Oxygen Maintenance and Events

Sandesh Shivananda, Sumesh Thomas, Sourabh Dutta, Christoph Fusch, Connie Williams, Kanekal Suresh Gautham

Retrospective Cohort Study on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pregnancy Outcomes for Women Living With HIV in British Columbia

Fu, Winnie BSc; McClymont, Elisabeth PhD; Av-Gay, Gal MSc; Dorling, Marisa BSc; Atkinson, Andrea MD; Azampanah, Arezou MSc; Elwood, Chelsea MD; Sauvé, Laura MD; van Schalkwyk, Julie MD; Sotindjo, Tatiana MD; Money, Deborah MD

Impact of Intersection Discrimination and Stigma on HIV Care for African, Caribbean and Black Women Living with HIV During the COVID-19 Pandemic in British Columbia: A Descriptive Study

Emmanuela Ojukwu |  Saima Hirani |  Tatiana Sotindjo | Emily McKay | Ijeoma Okedo-Alex |  Patience Magagula |  Ava Pashaei | Ginikachukwu Marylinda Agudosi 

Metabolic hormones are integral regulators of female reproductive health and function

Faria Athar, Muskan Karmani, & Nicole M. Templeman

Improving access, understanding, and dignity during miscarriage recovery in British Columbia, Canada: A patient-oriented research study

Rana Van Tuyl

Retrospective Cohort Study on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pregnancy Outcomes for Women Living With HIV in British Columbia

Fu, Winnie BSc; McClymont, Elisabeth PhD; Av-Gay, Gal MSc; Dorling, Marisa; Atkinson, Andrea; Azampanah, Arezou; Elwood, Chelsea; Sauvé, Laura; van Schalkwyk, Julie Sotindjo, Tatiana Money, Deborah

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in pregnancy and the postpartum period 

Olivia Scoten | Katarina Tabi | Vanessa Paquette | Prescilla Carrion | Deirdre Ryan | Nevena V Radonjic | Elizabeth A Withman | Catriona Hippman

Pathways: A guide for developing culturally safe and appropriate patient-reported outcome (PROMs) and experience measures (PREMs) with Indigenous peoples

Lori d’Agincourt‐Canning | Shabnam Ziabakhsh  | Jenny Morgan  | Elder Sharon Jinkerson‐Brass |

Soudabeh Joolaee  | Tonya Smith  | Shelby Loft | Darci Rosalie


Addressing the need for Indigenous-specific PROMs and PREMS: A focus on methodology

Lori d’Agincourt‐Canning | Shabnam Ziabakhsh  | Jenny Morgan  | Elder Sharon Jinkerson‐Brass |

Soudabeh Joolaee  | Tonya Smith  | Shelby Loft | Darci Rosalie


Simple versus Radical Hysterectomy in Women with Low-Risk Cervical Cancer

Marie Plante, M.D., Janice S. Kwon, M.D., Sarah Ferguson, M.D., Vanessa Samouëlian, M.D., Gwenael Ferron, M.D., Amandine Maulard, M.D., Cor de Kroon, M.D., Willemien Van Driel, M.D., John Tidy, M.D., Karin Williamson, M.D., Sven Mahner, M.D., Stefan Kommoss, M.D., Frederic Goffin, M.D., Karl Tamussino, M.D., Brynhildur Eyjólfsdóttir, M.D., Jae-Weon Kim, M.D., Noreen Gleeson, M.D., Lori Brotto, Ph.D., Dongsheng Tu, Ph.D., and Lois E. Shepherd, M.D

Mining the Gap: Deriving Pregnancy Reference Intervals for Hematology Parameters Using Clinical Datasets

Vilte E Barakauskas, Mary Kathryn Bohn, Emma Branch, Amelie Boutin, Arianne Albert, Sabrina Luke, Michelle Dittrick, Victoria Higgins, Khosrow Adeli, Hilary Vallance,Benjamin Jung, Kent Dooley, Leanne Dahlgren-Scott, Wee-Shian Chan



‘Feeling Ready’: A Feminist Poststructural Analysis of Postpartum Sexual Health

Rachel Ollivier, Megan Aston, Sheri Price, Debbie Sheppard-Lemoine, and Audrey Steenbeek


Reactogenicity, pregnancy outcomes, and SARS-CoV-2 infection following COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy in Canada: A national prospective cohort study

E. McClymont, A. Atkinson, A. Albert, G. Av-Gay, J. Andrade, J. Barrett, T. Bogler, I. Boucoiran, E. Castillo, R. D’Souza, D. El-Chaâr, S. Fadel, D.B. Fell, I. Korchinski, V. Kuret, G. Ogilvie, V. Poliquin, M. Sadarangani, H. Scott, J.W. Snelgrove, D. Money

Reactogenicity, pregnancy outcomes, and SARS-CoV-2 infection following COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy in Canada: A national prospective cohort study

E. McClymont, A. Atkinson, A. Albert, G. Av-Gay, J. Andrade, J. Barrett, T. Bogler, I. Boucoiran, E. Castillo, R. D’Souza, D. El-Chaâr, S. Fadel, D.B. Fell, I. Korchinski, V. Kuret, G. Ogilvie, V. Poliquin, M. Sadarangani, H. Scott, J.W. Snelgrove ,D. Money


Changing Perceptions of Sexual Assault: Research Findings and Recommendations for Improving the Healthcare Response

BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre, Ending Violence Association of BC.


Transitioning from the “Three Delays” to a focus on continuity of care: a qualitative analysis of maternal deaths in rural Pakistan and Mozambique

Marianne Vidler, Mai-Lei Woo Kinshella, Esperanca Sevene, Gwyneth Lewis, Peter von Dadelszen, Zulfiqar Bhutta & the CLIP Working Group

Sex, Gender, and Women’s Heart Health: How Women’s Heart Programs Address the Knowledge Gap

Mahraz Parvand MSc, Siavash Ghadiri MD, Emilie Théberge MSc, Lisa Comber BA, KTPC, Kerri-Anne Mullen MSc, PhD, Natasha Prodan Bhalla DNP, Denise Johnsen,Gayl McKinley,Tara L. Sedlak MD. 

#DebunkingDesire: Sexual science, social media, and strategy in the pursuit of knowledge dissemination.

Lavery, B.M., Nelson, M., Firican, D., Prestley, N., Kumru, R., Jabs, F., O’Loughlin, J., & Brotto, L.A. (2023).

“Don’t Turn a Blind Eye”: An instruction for supporting meaningful conversations about gender-based violence during perinatal care

Jila Mirlashari , Ann Pederson, Janet Lyons, and Lori A. Brotto

Critical perspectives in public health feminisms

Renée Monchalin

A qualitative study exploring access barriers to abortion services among Indigenous Peoples in Canada 

Renée Monchalin, Astrid V. Pérez Piñán, Madison Wells, Willow Paul, Danette Jubinville, Kimberly Law, Meagan Chaffey, Harlie Pruder, and Arie Ross 

Effects of the ARRIVE (A Randomized Trial of Induction Versus Expectant Management) Trial on Elective Induction and Obstetric Outcomes in Term Nulliparous Patients

Elizabeth Nethery, Barbara Levy, Kate McLean, Kristin Sitcov, and Vivienne L. Souter

Key takeaways:

This study used a rigorous quasi-experimental approach to understand how the publication of a large randomized trial (ARRIVE) impacted obstetric practice among nulliparous birthing people in Washington State. We found that elective inductions increased after the trial was published but there was no observed change in cesarean births, hypertensive disorders or neonatal adverse outcomes. Findings from randomized trials should be validated in real-world settings.

Expanding midwifery care in the United States: Implications for clinical outcomes and cost

Kate A. McLean, Vivienne L. Souter, and Elizabeth Nethery

Key takeaways:

This study used data from Washington state and extrapolated cost data to the broader US context. Key findings were that midwifery care is associated with a lower risk of cesarean birth and other interventions versus care provided by obstetricians and is therefore likely lower-cost. 

Oral micronized progesterone for perimenopausal night sweats and hot flushes a Phase III Canada-wide randomized placebo-controlled 4 month trial

Jerilynn C. Prior, Andrea Cameron, Michelle Fung, Christine L. Hitchcock, Patricia Janssen, Terry Lee & Joel Singer

  • Canadian SARS-CoV-2 serological survey using antenatal serum samples: a retrospective seroprevalence study
  • Andrea Atkinson, Arianne Albert, Elisabeth McClymont, Janice Andrade, Lori Beach, Shelly Bolotin, Isabelle Boucoiran, Jared Bullard, Carmen Charlton, Joan Crane, Shelley Dougan, Jean-Claude Forest, Greg J. German, Yves Giguère, Gabriel Girouard, Catherine Hankins, Mel Krajden, Amanda Lang, Paul Levett, Jessica Minion, Cory Neudorf, Vanessa Poliquin, Jason L. Robinson, Heather Scott, Derek R. Stein, Vanessa Tran, George Zahariadis, Hong Y. Zhou, Deborah Money and The Antenatal Serostudies Team