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C&W Research COVID-19 Updates
As you will have read on March 19, 2020, UBC announced that they are curtailing research activities on their Vancouver and Okanagan campuses as of Tuesday, March 24, 2020. This curtailment is in effect until April 30th, 2020, and could be further extended. The BCCHR and the WHRI, along with research institutes across the Lower Mainland, are […]
Fifth Annual Women’s. Health Research Symposium Recap
Written by: Nicole Prestley On Wednesday March 4th, the WHRI hosted its Fifth annual Women’s Health Research Symposium at the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre at UBC. Thank you to the over 200 attendees, which included representation from researchers, students and trainees, healthcare stakeholders, industry partners, community members and patient partners. Thank you to our […]
COVID-19 Research Funding Updates
COVID-19 Research Funding Updates – Updated – April 30, 2021 Dear WHRI Members, Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, a number of funding agencies have updated their deadlines and funding opportunities. Please see the links below for latest news, COVID-19 funding opportunities, latest updates for deadlines and official statements from funding agencies regarding grant programs. […]
REDCap Electronic Consent Framework: Getting started
Due to COVID-19 and research curtailment, recruitment and consenting processes across the province has changed significantly. Rest assured, there is a solution available to address these dramatic shifts, the REDCap Electronic Consent (e-consent) Framework!
COVID-19 Resource Hub
Dear WHRI community, As the COVID-19 pandemic has pervaded much of our daily lives and conversations, and as we are adjusting to a new normal of social distancing and working remotely, communication is critically important and the WHRI is being called upon even more as a virtual organization. In the absence of in-person contact, we […]
Important Update
Dear Women’s Health Research Institute members and staff, Amid growing global concerns around COVID-19, the Women’s Health Research Institute (WHRI) has elected to take measures to help protect the health and well-being of staff, and the vulnerable patients seeking care on the C&W campus. Following guidance set by the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA), the […]
Announcing the @WomensResearch podcast
By Nicole Prestley This past November, the WHRI released its 2019-2024 Strategic Plan, and within it, four strategic frameworks to guide our work: partners, patients, trainees, and knowledge translation. As the WHRI’s Manager of Knowledge Translation (KT), I am elated that KT has been named as one of these key pillars, which we will use […]
Congratulations to the recipients of the Women’s Digital Health Research Awards
Dr. Caroline Sanders, recipient of the 2020 Women’s Digital Health Research Awards This award is given to an individual who has made an exceptional contribution to women and girl’s digital health research in the province of British Columbia and globally. This is an opportunity to recognize, honour, and most importantly, to thank an individual who’s […]
The Evolution of the CeMCOR KT Toolkit
For more than forty years, Dr. Jerilynn Prior has been a passionate advocate for the importance of knowledge translation (KT). Although her methods have changed over time – especially since she founded the Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research (CeMCOR) – what remains at the core of her work is a belief that women have the right to understand their own health.