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Meet the Researcher
Taking Action for Change: Dr. Deborah Money receives the IDSOG Lifetime Achievement Award
This August, Dr. Deborah Money was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Infectious Diseases Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (IDSOG). This award highlights a career spent changing the landscape of women’s reproductive health research both in Canada and the United States, and her determination to better the lives of women not just here in North America, but around the globe.
Q&A with Jessica Liauw
Jessica Liauw is a fellow in the Clinician Investigator Program at UBC, and an Obstetrician and Maternal Medicine specialist. Her clinical practice is focused on high-risk pregnancy, and her research interests are preterm birth, fetal growth, and clinical decision making. She is currently working the #NavigatingTheGreyZone project, which aims to find ways to help pregnant women […]
International Midwives Day: Zoe Hodgson
In honour of International Midwives Day we’re shining the spotlight on Zoe Hodgson, PhD and Registered Midwife.
Research Spotlight: National Medical Lab Week
Meet Dr. Vilte Barakauskas, BCCHRI/WHRI joint-researcher and clinical biochemist working at BC Children’s Hospital, who is part of a team working to establish reference intervals for pregnant women to better interpret lab test results.
Dr. Hélène Côté receives a CIHR Fall 2018 Project Grant
Dr. Côté received the award for her project “The BCC3 cohort: Cellular aging in women living with HIV”.
Dr. Regina Renner receives a CIHR Fall 2018 Project Grant
Dr. Renner received the grant for “The Canadian Surgical and Medical Abortion Provider Survey (CAPS)” project.
Spotlight: International Day for Women and Girls in Science
February 11th is International Day for Women and Girls in Science! In honour of this day we’re shining the spotlight on Paula Duarte-Guterman, Ph.D., a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health.
Member Spotlight: Congratulations to Dr. Laura Schummers!
This month our spotlight is on Laura Schummers, a Postdoctoral Fellow working with the Contraception and Abortion Research Team (CART-GRAC)! Laura was recently awarded a Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) Research Trainee Fellowship for her project “Mifepristone outcomes study: Examining abortion access, outcomes, and costs following the introduction of mifepristone”, as well as a Health Systems Impact Fellowship co-funded by CIHR and the BC Ministry of Health for her work “Population-based epidemiological analysis to evaluate and inform reproductive health policies in British Columbia.”
Dr. Jerilynn Prior: The ABCs of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis, a disease which deteriorates bone tissue and increases the risk for fractures, affects approximately 2 million Canadians (Osteoporosis Canada). November is Osteoporosis Awareness month, a time to raise awareness and discuss prevention – but often popular conversation doesn’t include young women and the steps they can take to decrease their risk. Dr. Jerilynn C […]